Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Is it post-inflation yet? (the real story)

We've been talking a lot lately about how to navigate this confusing stock market. But there's a critical area getting overlooked by most folks right now, which is a shame – because it could offer double-digit annual returns to those who know how to play it.

Editor's Note: We've been talking a lot lately about how to navigate this confusing stock market.

But there's a critical area getting overlooked by most folks right now, which is a shame... because it could offer double-digit annual returns to those who know how to play it.

But please be aware the best chance to take action unfortunately ends tomorrow.

This is coming from my good friend Joel Litman, over at our corporate affiliate Altimetry.

Joel isn't afraid to tell it like it is... or draw people's attention to the growing red flags on Wall Street that keep getting ignored because they're uncomfortable or inconvenient.

But I'll be blunt: Ignoring this warning from Joel would be a terrible mistake.

And it's well worth seeing his message below – he certainly doesn't pull any punches.

Joel saw similar warning signs in 2008 (which is how he predicted that crash months before it hit). Now, he's trying to get the word out once again about what's coming before the worst hits.

However, there's some good news...

Joel says this situation is the perfect set-up for one particular type of investment (outside of stocks) that can make money even in a recession.

I believe this strategy should be in everyone's arsenal today and for the next several years, at least.

At the very least, you need to know about it so you're not blindsided.

This research is so important Joel's firm launched a new publication dedicated just to this one strategy – and says it's where his team is going to be focused for the next 3 to 5 years as the aftershocks of this crisis play out in the markets.

And until tomorrow, they've reopened the very best invitation they've ever made for their research – including $13,400 worth of research and bonuses... for more than 80% off.

Please go here to look everything over before the deadline tomorrow.

If you haven't seen Joel's recent presentation – please do so.

It's incredibly valuable in and of itself, even if you don't decide to spend a penny on new research.

I guarantee you'll learn new ideas that can help you in both stock and bond investing...

And you'll likely be nodding along in quite a few places – including the stark evidence that the crisis we've been waiting for is here.

I'm certain you'll agree when you see this message.

Please be aware that their special invitation expires tomorrow...

Dear Reader,

The stock market bulls are "putting lipstick on a pig."

And I'm worried the folks celebrating today could face a dangerous reckoning within weeks or less.

Until tomorrow – I'm recommending ONE simple step that I believe could save you tremendous pain in the markets... and show you double-digit gains even if stocks tank.

See, the dangerous consequences of the Fed's interest rate hikes a few years ago are still working their way through the economy today.

And we just saw a recession signal with a stellar track record dating back to the 1980s.

To be blunt, I believe stocks could easily fall by 30-50% in the next year.

Just like in 2008, it will happen slowly at first... and then all at once.

Everyone will say, "No one could have seen it coming."

But that simply isn't true.

That's why I want to make sure you've seen the most important warning of my professional lifetime.

Unfortunately – amid the irrational exuberance this week – I think a lot of people have missed it, despite my best efforts.

And the invitation I'm making is now about to expire.

This will come offline tomorrow at midnight – along with an invitation to get $13,400 worth of my best research for 80% OFF.


Joel Litman
Chief Investment Strategist, Altimetry

P.S. While I believe most stocks could be headed south...

There's a MUCH better place for the majority of your investing money today.

One that few people know about, with all kinds of ludicrous advantages compared to stocks – including big-time legal protections.

It's easily the biggest and most important recommendation I've ever made to the public in my career.

I've waited upwards of 20 years for this exact moment to share it in full. But you must see it before tomorrow at midnight.


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