Sunday, May 19, 2024

🦉 3 Reasons Nvidia is on The Verge of a 4 Digit Stock Price

Why pro athletes are good traders?


Dear Trader,

There are several key similarities between trading and professional sports.

With top athletes, in addition to mastering their individual skills, they study their opponents and get to KNOW them intimately …

Their training routine …
Their eating habits …
Their travel patterns …
Their game day rituals …

No stone is left unturned.

And when these top athletes get into their opponents’ heads, victory is at hand.

As top traders, we must get to KNOW our stocks intimately ...

Their supply/demand …
Their swing movements …
Their earnings effects …
Their repeating patterns …

Once we know our stocks inside-and-out, profits come much faster and easier.

Do you really know the stocks that you trade?

In this short training session, trader Matt Choi, CMT will reveal what we as traders must do to truly KNOW our stocks.

Once you have the KNOW, Matt will take it one step further and demonstrate how to use options to leverage this knowledge to achieve MAXIMUM performance.

This training session is for beginner/intermediate traders looking to jump up to an advanced level.

Click here to attend this short training session (no cost this week)


* Trading involves financial risk and is not suitable for all investors. Past results do not guarantee future performance.


[WeeklyTrader Update]

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Dear Trader,

Below are the links you can use to see the WeeklyTrader Ideas.

We have updated our WeeklyTrader Stock and Options Ideas for the upcoming week.

Click Here to See the WeeklyTrader Stock and Options Ideas


To great returns,

Vlad Karpel
Tradespoon Founder






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Vlad and his team may have a financial interest in its picks as they trade many of the same equities and options they pick.

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It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators developed at Tradespoon will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. nor should it be assumed that future picks will be profitable or will equal past performance.

RISK DISCLOSURE: Options involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Please read "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options " prior to investing in options. Evaluate any strategy prior to use to understand risk and suitability.

Biden out June 13; Kamala won’t replace him?

Dear American patriot,
On November 16, 2023…
Joe Biden accidentally revealed the name of the candidate…
Who will replace him in the 2024 presidential election.
See who it is HERE.
–Jim Rickards
Former Crisis Advisor to the CIA and Pentagon
P.S. In my new report, see my evidence [HERE] for why I think Joe Biden will drop out June 13.
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Today's Bonus Content: Bill Clinton Backing Biden Replacement???

While traders were studying charts, I was placing THIS trade

No guesswork needed here................................................................................


Let me show you an example of how my $0.25 Cent Trades could work with an example from back in January this year, okay?

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Now if you were looking at the charts....

The S&P 500 was officially out of the bear market and roaring higher...

By mid-January we were at new highs...

And folks were left guessing if the breakout would continue or if we would make a natural pullback.

(By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from ProsperityPub and its partners. (privacy policy))

Now you could have spent all your time drawing chart patterns, calculating Fibonaccis or reading through the endless inflation reports…

Trying to guess what would come next.

But on January 10th, 2024…None of that really mattered.

Because January 10th was a predetermined $0.25 Cent Trade date.

And as long as someone took 30 seconds to place a basic trade that day before the markets closed...

They could have bagged a nice big winner winner!

(By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from ProsperityPub and its partners. (privacy policy))

Granted, there were smaller wins, and trades that did not work out… I obviously can't guarantee results or against losses, but...

I have many more examples to show you with even BIGGER returns!

You'll have to see them to believe them!

So click here now to take a look before it's time to place the next $0.25 Cent Trade!

(By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from ProsperityPub and its partners. (privacy policy))

See you on the flip side,


The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. Some of the trades expressed are from backtested data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system. From 5/26/23 - 3/25/24 the win rate is 84%, the average winner is 71%, the average return is 41.6% over an 8 day hold time.

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StockEarnings, Inc
33 SE 4th St, Suite 100, Boca Raton, FL 33432 USA
W: 877.6.STOCKS

Today's Bonus Content: Protect Your Savings and Profit from Inflation with Ultima

(By clicking the link above, you are opting in to receive emails from Theo Trade. Click to view the privacy policy. Unsubscribe at any time)

The Holdovers

It's now on Amazon Prime.

But it's the kind of movie we used to go to the theatre for, when film was still the national religion, when cinema engendered analysis, conversation, before everything became two-dimensional, in-your-face entertainment made to be consumed with popcorn and then forgotten.

Movies had to play around the world, they had to be dumbed-down, if you weren't shooting for the fences, you weren't even in the game. Studios even stopped buying art films, never mind closed their divisions in that area down, they limited production to grand slam efforts and in the process not only ceded the visual entertainment field to streaming television, but alienated an entire swath of dedicated moviegoers. Never mind not inculcating the desire, the religion, in young fans. You need to follow the sport, know what is going on, see the players move from flick to flick, so you can be involved. You need to be respected. Funny how food has gone upscale and movies down.

So "The Holdovers" is a flawed film, because the plot is predictable. You're waiting for a left turn, something surprising, but when it all plays out as you predicted, as you've seen before, you're disappointed.

Having said that, Paul Giamatti is great as usual, however it does take too long for his character to soften. But his ultimate confessional rings true, and is satisfying.

As for Mary, played by Da'Vine Joh Randolph... She evidences a wisdom, sense of humor and a sense of reality that is the heart of the film. The overlooked, those with less upward mobility, those not reaching for the stars, are the heart of our society, and Randolph evidences this. At first you think she's a caricature, large Black woman who is the school's cook. Over decades we've been exposed to the archetype, a second-class citizen who has been put upon. But Mary is the wisest person in the film. Not only does she have a sense of humor, she's the truth-teller, she suffers no B.S. She's attractive, you're drawn to her. I'm watching this film wondering when Giamatti is going to fall for her, she's normal but so desirable.

However the star of this movie is the penumbra. The set, the look.

You want to know what it was like going to college in my era? Watch "The Holdovers."

It's snowy. At times bleak. And isolated. You're there with your peers and your overlords, and that's it. Finito. In the pre-internet era. When we were not connected 24/7, when people could be unreachable, when there was an emphasis on what was in your head as opposed to the image you presented online.

But as much as the snowy weather enticed me, placed this movie, what blew my mind, the absolute peak of connection, was the poster of W.C. Fields on the dorm room wall.

W.C. Fields was an icon in the late sixties. A little more cult than Peter Fonda in "Easy Rider," but we quoted him all the time, after having seen each and every one of his movies, back before you could pull them up anywhere, instantly. Today there's a tsunami of information, of entertainment options, but in the pre-internet era not only were there fewer choices, you had to make an effort to consume them. Anybody could watch the three networks and listen to Top Forty radio. But to go see the films, both mainstream and art, to dive into FM and purchase the albums and read all the information you could get your hands on...that required an effort. And when you participated, did the work, you were a member of a club and reveled in it.

W.C. Fields died in 1946, just after the first baby boomers were born. His last great film, "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break," was released in 1941. Yet we argued what was said on his gravestone, never mind imitating his vocal style.

And I doubt any youngster today even knows who he is.

W.C. Fields was a cult item on the periphery of the mainstream. Just an inch away. Today cult items are far from the mainstream, they almost never break through to ubiquity. But back then we had these mental totems based on our experience that wove us together. That's how you knew you had found your people, when they could quote the same movies and records as you.

And then there's the interactions amongst the students. Put males in a group without females and this is how they act, constantly jockeying for position, bullying, ganging up against the weak sheep, making fun of them. Sure, this is prep school, but many never outgrow this behavior.

And there's the spark of meeting someone of the opposite sex. Potential. And if they too are interested...

And there's the kid whose father won't let him come on vacation because he refuses to cut his hair. Amazingly, this was an issue back then. But even better, the ski trip is to Haystack, a ski area in Southern Vermont right next to Mt. Snow that ultimately went bankrupt and after lying dormant for years is now the private Hermitage Club. Skiing was hip back then, as skateboarding ultimately became. People still ski today, but it's a mature sport. Back then it was a reasonable question to ask, "Do you ski?" And you didn't have to be upper class to do so.

Then again, the striation of classes was less defined back then. Most people didn't know anybody who was rich, and wealthy roles on TV were caricatures. And there were no billionaires. And you never boasted about your financial status, the bluebloods kept their wealth close to the vest.

And the wealthy went to prep school. I went to college with a class that was made up of 45% prep school graduates. They knew the ropes, the college environment was not new to them. And they told tales. How at Lawrenceville the walls in the dorm did not go all the way to the ceiling, and after dark people would throw balls from one room to another.

"The Holdovers" captures a bygone era. And if you lived in it, you'll recognize it.

But there's nothing like it today. We're all connected, but less connected. Because we have options. Back then there were limits, not only technological, but you were beholden to the boss, your parents, your teachers, you chafed at the restrictions. Today kids talk back to their parents. Teachers and administrators are afraid of the students.

And I do not want to go back to this bygone era, but I haven't seen a film that has captured it as well as "The Holdovers" in quite a while.

It's hard to sustain this mood, this look and feel, throughout a series. This is where film triumphs, in setting a mood and a story upon it. But that power has been abdicated. However Alex Payne is still working in that milieu.

Once again, you'll ultimately be disappointed by the predictability of the plot. But the rest of the movie, the look, the feel, the mood? A+!

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Rare 94.3% Options Win Rate [Outrageous but True!]

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DayTrade Spy Pick of the Day: The Ultra-Reliable Daily Payout Plan
Fellow Investor,

I’ve kept quiet about my private options trading group... because with our 94.3% win rate over the first 14 months, I do NOT want this club to grow so big that it’ll be unmanageable.

Who wouldn’t want to find an options trade with consistent, reliable, and dependable wins, 94.3% of the time?

Especially when these trades take very little time to execute: just 10-minutes in the morning.
  • No complex indicators to figure out

  • No sitting glued to a screen for hours at a time

  • No complicated trades, like selling puts, spreads, or iron condors.
Just simple calls and puts.

Learn how we’ve hit on 94.3% of options recommendations.

However, I urge everyone to act fast.

To keep this small and private, I’m limiting the number of people I share this opportunity with today.

Don't get shut out of this ultra-reliable "Daily Payout Plan."
Click Here to Find Out More >

Hugh Grossman signature

Hugh Grossman
Trading Director, DayTradeSPY

P.S. Not only is my system unique... even traders with limited options experience can use it.

Eagle Financial Publications - Eagle Products, LLC. - a Salem Communications Holding Company
122 C Street NW, Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001
© Eagle Financial Publications. All rights reserved.

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Protect Your Savings and Profit from Inflation with Ultima

Take the first step towards financial freedom..........................................................................................................................................


Dear Reader,

Worried about the rising cost of living? With inflation rates reaching new heights in 2022, it's no surprise Americans are feeling the pinch.

That's like a hidden tax on savers. But what if there was a way to not only protect your savings from the erosive power of inflation but also profit from it? It's possible with Inflection Point Trades.

As you may already know, Inflection Point Trades are a unique trading strategy designed to capture significant profits from high-impact market events. These trades are not only designed to protect your savings from inflation, but also to help you make money in any market condition.

Our founder, Don Kaufman, has spent years developing and refining this strategy. Don has a proven track record of helping people grow their wealth in the stock market. With over $3 million of his own money on the line, you can trust that Don is dedicated to your financial success.

In fact, many of our members have achieved outstanding results using Inflection Point Trades. For example, Gary has made 21% in just 4 hours, while Ian banked 30%. Jared made 50% in one day, and Harry scored a 305% ROI. Imagine what you could do with Inflection Point Trades in your corner.

But the real benefit of Inflection Point Trades is that they can protect your savings from inflation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average price of gas has increased by 49% since 2019. The cost of meat, poultry, fish, and eggs is up by 10%, and rent has increased by 7.8%. These are just a few examples of how inflation is eating away at our savings.

Inflection Point Trades are a way to beat inflation and grow your savings. They are designed to generate profits in any market condition, so even if inflation continues to rise, you can still make money. Plus, with our VIP Platinum Card Access, you'll have access to all of Don's exclusive on-demand trading masterclasses, valued at over $9,000. This training vault contains all the secrets to the most high-profit trading strategies ever devised.

So if you're tired of losing purchasing power on your savings and want a way to protect and grow your wealth, I invite you to download our free eBook, "The Complete Guide to Options Income." This eBook will teach you how to beat inflation using the stock options market. Once you've read it, you'll be ready to take advantage of Inflection Point Trades and start growing your wealth.

Click here to download the eBook now and take the first step towards financial freedom.

(Clicking the link above will automatically opt you in to TheoTrade - view privacy policy here.)

Best regards,

Don Kaufman

Founder of TheoTRADE

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Today's Bonus Content: Discover first-of-its-kind digital solution to the global commodities supply chain sector.

Chevron vs. NextEra Energy: Which Dividend Stock is the Better Buy?

Despite the industry challenges, Chevron Corporation (CVX) and NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE) are both gaining significant traction and reward...