Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Look who’s going bankrupt next in America... | 2 December


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News From The Street

Here's a special message from our partners that we thought you'd like:

Dear Reader,

No one believed Stansberry Research years ago when we said that the world's largest mortgage bankers (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would soon go bankrupt.

And no one believed us when we said GM would fall apart… or that the same would happen to General Growth Properties (America's biggest mall owner)… or that oil would fall from over $100 per barrel to less than $40 per barrel.

And no one believed us on March 24th of last year, when we told customers that the coronavirus would be a blip, and that stocks would come roaring back.

But in each case, that's exactly what happened.

And now, Stansberry Research says something new and even bigger is quietly unfolding in America:

In short: A terrifying new trend is creating thousands of new millionaires (Barron's estimates 20,000 to 200,000 so far) while at the same time destroying the financial future for many others.

We call it: The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

This new trend is going to cause tens of millions of people to lose their jobs… it will also cause many major bankruptcies… yet at the same time it will make millions of others incredibly rich.

We believe this is the most important trend affecting you and your money right now—yet no one in the mainstream press is writing about it.

That's why one of our research teams have put together a totally free, 16-page Special Report, called The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History, which explains everything you need to know, including:

  • Why some people are making so much money right now, so quickly, while millions of others fall further behind.
  • What America's new class of wealthy families and individuals almost all now have in common...
  • How this wealth shift has transformed movies, music, retail, travel, transportation, entertainment, and more...
  • How a Nobel Prize-winning economist predicted what is now happening, back in 1999...
  • Why our financial system is in for such a dramatic shock… and much, much more...
  • How the most popular job in 29 U.S. states could soon disappear...
  • The REAL reason the rich are getting so much richer, leaving everyone else behind...
  • Case studies of how this shift has affected many of America's businesses, such as AT&T, Hilton, Uber, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Airbnb, Google, Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Budweiser, Starbucks, and more...
  • How this shift has upended U.S. real estate—and why America's hottest current real estate market will surprise you...
  • What's coming NEXT in the transfer of wealth trend, how it will affect you, and what you must do right now to prepare.

Don't get left behind.

Get the facts for yourself in Stansberry Research's free Special Report: The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

No credit card or subscription required.

Click here to claim your free copy of The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

You'll also begin receiving our free daily email, The Stansberry Digest, where we cover the most important news, trends and opportunities in the markets to help you make better investing decisions.


Michael Palmer
Managing Partner, Stansberry Research

P.S. I've worked at Stansberry Research for nearly two decades now. There is simply no other business in America quite like us. And nobody better at identifying the biggest and most important financial trends on the planet.

Today, one of our best research teams have put together a detailed, 16-page report as a free sample of the type of financial research work they do. In this report, you'll learn about the most important trend affecting you and your money—which almost no one in the mainstream press is paying attention to right now. By accessing this report, you are under no future obligation whatsoever.

Claim your FREE copy here...

The Power Of The Dog


I thought it was based on the Don Winslow book.

When I know I'm going to see a movie I don't read the reviews. The unfolding experience is what entrances me, which is why I'm so pissed that trailers reveal so much. Then again, I never go to the movies anymore so I don't see trailers. "The Power of the Dog" is playing in theatres, but today it opened on Netflix.

There is no buzz, none that I can feel. But when it comes to streaming TV it's all viewer generated, and it happens slowly, but I don't think there will be a huge groundswell of "The Power of the Dog" viewers, because it's so slow at the beginning.

They're in Montana, endlessly beautiful, but I hung on through the credits to find out where they shot it and it turns out New Zealand, chalking up another mark to visit the country where I have only been to the airport.

So what you've got here is a western set in Montana in 1925, not a cross-border dope dealing movie like I thought. Although it took me a while to realize it wasn't. I was waiting for my memory of the book to kick in, and it never did. But you should read "The Power of the Dog" trilogy. It's pulpy and far from highbrow but it's eminently readable and will keep you hooked, as it educates you on dope in America.

But like I said, this movie is not that book. Rather it's based on a obscure fifty year old novel. Jane Campion wrote the screenplay. And as I'm watching the film unfold I'm remembering, as great as Campion is, her films are usually very slow.

So I'll tell you, up until nearly the end I wasn't impressed. I had no desire to write about "The Power of the Dog." But when it was over...

I misunderstood what was happening. I needed Felice to explain it. And then I'm running through the scenes in my head, figuring it out. Then I'm discussing it with Felice again. Finally, I have to go online to research, I wanted more, needed more, I wanted to make sure I understood the film correctly.

This is what moviegoing experiences used to be like. This is what the golden age of cinema was all about, the late sixties into the seventies, all the way up to the eighties, when the blockbuster paradigm instituted by Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" took hold and the film business was forever altered. Before that there was no talk of tentpoles, not every film was required to be a blockbuster, and superheroes were rare, never mind cartoons. I mean you see a Marvel movie and what is there to say?

So... I never would have gone to the theatre to see "The Power of the Dog." I don't want to waste that much time. I can't be late. So I go early. And I've got to budget for traffic and endure the aforementioned trailers and... One of the main reasons I don't go, other than Covid, is I've found I can't slow down enough for them. My regular life has my brain firing and the experience is unsatisfactory.

And to be honest, my brain was firing during the initial scenes of "The Power of the Dog" and then...

Did I need to see this to the end? Was Felice mad that I made her watch it, the day it came out, telling her about it all day?

The cinematography is astounding. And unless you've got an OLED TV you'll miss something, it'll be better on the big screen, you need those blacks, that contrast.

So, you get hooked by the movie, you're trying to figure out the plot, and then it's over and you wonder WHAT HAPPENED?

"The Power of the Dog" is a bit too highbrow for it to become a streaming phenomenon. But I will tell you that if it didn't open within a week of its big screen debut, I probably never would have watched it when it finally came to pay cable, even streaming services. The heat is off. Whereas opening day on Netflix, the heat is on!

So it's two hours and change. You've got to commit. It's not painful, but at first you will not be riveted. But then you'll be drawn in...

Jesse Plemons as brother George is always good, although he always has the same slow, stilted delivery in every film, I wonder how he talks in real life.

As far as Benedict Cumberbatch... I've missed seemingly everything he's done other than "Sherlock Holmes," so...he's good, and different.

Now if you check RottenTomatoes, "The Power of the Dog" has a 95% critics rating and a 76% audience rating, which is exactly what I expected. "The Power of the Dog" is not for everybody. But if the foregoing resonates, if you're a fan of art house cinema, if you can spend the time to get the dividend, I highly recommend it. Because it will get you thinking, it will stick with you.

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The State of Fashion 2022

Ganni's Plan to Eliminate Letter, Male Nail Polish

Dear BoF Community,

After nearly two years of disruption, the fashion industry is finally beginning to find its feet again. Today at VOICES 2021, we release the sixth annual State of Fashion report by The Business of Fashion and McKinsey & Company, which forecasts an overall recovery in 2022 as global fashion sales surpass pre-pandemic levels thanks to outperforming categories, value segments and geographies. While the year ahead will present a welcome shift for some fashion players, ongoing supply chain headwinds, market challenges and macroeconomic risks are set to undermine growth prospects, leaving others fighting for survival. Download The State of Fashion 2022 to learn about the 10 themes that will define the industry in the year ahead and the strategies to deploy to safeguard recovery and tap new opportunities to maintain sustainable growth. We will go deeper into the key findings from this year's report at VOICES 2021 today at 10:45 GMT.

Imran Amed, Editor-in-Chief


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Wall Street Legend: "Millions of investors will be taken by surprise"

                                                                                                          Dear Reader, Investing legend L...