Dear Reader, Thank you for your interest in TradeSmith's portfolio analyzer! If you haven't checked to see how healthy your portfolio is, don't wait: click here to sync your brokerage now. Assessing your portfolio's health is the single largest factor in protecting and growing your wealth. And it can be phenomenally simple — you just need the right tools and data informing your decisions. On that note, I want to give you a warm welcome to TradeSmith Daily. These daily issues serve as a one-stop resource to help remove profit-smothering emotions from your investment decisions. Every day, we strive to put new opportunities on your radar... identify which stocks to avoid... and remove the noise to help you focus on what's important. The TradeSmith team isn't here to just repeat the news and dump data in your lap. We're here to show you what to do with that information. We'll bring the most impactful investment ideas to you every day, straight from our experts to your inbox. That way, you'll know what news to act on — and what to ignore. Because while there are more places to put our money than ever before… there is far less clarity about what the "right" opportunities are. TradeSmith Daily makes that distinction radically simple. So, be sure to add this email address to your contacts so we don't end up in your "Junk" folder. And if you haven't yet run your free diagnosis, click here now to securely sync your portfolio. Thank you again for your initiative in optimizing your financial health — and welcome to TradeSmith! All my best, Keith Kaplan CEO, TradeSmith