A new approval from the SEC could be setting the stage for a monstrous Bitcoin short squeeze...

I'm talking about on the level similar to GameStop in 2021!

This "gamma squeeze" could allow early crypto investors to see massive gains in a mega-surge driven by institutional demand.

Today at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern, I'm hosting a live broadcast with our top analyst Brendan Viehman to show you exactly how to make the most of upcoming gains in the crypto market.

Specifically, Brendan is sharing a blueprint for what ALL investors should do before new crypto all-time highs.

This includes how to find red-hot altcoins that could pump in this gamma squeeze...

And much, much more!

Today's broadcast is free but to watch you must register right now:

Register for "Getting Ready for New All-Time Highs" now (free registration ends soon).

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Change that in 5 seconds by clicking or tapping the link above.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


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