Thursday, October 22, 2020

Stella Spoils 10.22.20

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T H U R S D A Y   1 0 . 2 2 . 2 0
W H O   W E ' R E    F O L L O W I N G


Santa Marta, Colombia




Sayulita, Mexico

W H A T    W E ' R E    E Y E I N G
On a mission to make a house a home with their simple, thoughtful furniture Brooklyn-based design studio, Akron St. work with hardwood oak lumber, harvested from the Appalachians, to bring timelessness and a sense of the familiar to your space.  Their collection, defined by solid, enduring staples – each an effortless fit for any stage of your home and life – is highlighted by pieces like the Ko Low Table. With clean, modern lines accented with raised edges on all four sides, this low coffee table comes with its own unique markings, will vibe with any space, and ships flat right to your door step. Get it below.
P A R T N E R   S P O I L S
Travel may be at a standstill right now but that doesn't mean travel writers can't use this moment to become better storytellers. Whether you're an experienced writer or just getting your feet wet, our friends over at Trust and Travel are putting together a 3-day travel writing workshop to help you make sense of this ever changing world. "Conscious Travel Writing" is an opportunity to define your unique point of view, learn to write about worlds that are new to you and use sensory language to tell mindful stories. This is an opportunity to be guided by experts, create new work and make lasting connections in the travel industry. Join them November 13, 14, and 15 from 2-4pm on Zoom. Limited tickets available below.
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W H A T    W E ' R E    L I S T E N I N G    T O
W H A T    W E ' R E    R E A D I N G

On paper, Sloane, a buoyant, chatty, stay-at-home mom from Fairfield County, Connecticut, seems almost unbelievably well prepared to shepherd her three daughters through the roiling world of competitive youth sports. She played tennis and ran track in high school and has an advanced degree in behavioral medicine. She wrote her master’s thesis on the connection between increased aerobic activity and attention span. She is also versed in statistics, which comes in handy when she’s analyzing her eldest daughter’s junior-squash rating—and whiteboarding the consequences if she doesn’t step up her game. “She needs at least a 5.0 rating, or she’s going to Ohio State,” Sloane told me.

C O P Y    &    S H A R E    Y O U R    I N V I T E    L I N K    O N    F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W    U S

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