It's been a great few weeks for Ethereum.

For the first time since June, it cracked $1,800.

And since the bottom of the June crash, it's up a whopping 70%.

This should come as no surprise to investors paying attention.

The big Ethereum 2.0 update—The Merge—is scheduled to finally take place next month. And virtually every test update has gone successfully, leading most investors and experts to believe the update will go off without a hitch.

Along with the update comes the "triple halving" – an event that exponentially increases the scarcity of Ethereum.

Listen: this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for crypto investors.

We have never seen an update this big and it's possible we never will again.

Therefore, it's super important you not only pick up Ethereum at the right time... but focus on altcoins likely to skyrocket along with it.

Because while this update could eventually send Ethereum over $10,000, I think the gains will be much bigger in the altcoins closest to it.

That's why this Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific, I'll show you exactly how to invest in Ethereum right now.

I'll show you whether you should buy now or wait for a lower entry... 

And then I'm going to break down exactly how to find the altcoins likely to gain the most from "The Merge". Because as history has shown, when Ethereum skyrockets, the altcoins closely tied to it make a LOT more.

Thursday's webinar is totally free. But you must sign-up for it right now to watch by clicking or tapping this button:

Yes, I Want To Prepare For Massive Gains In The Next Crypto Rally! 

I see huge potential gains in the future for smart Ethereum investors.

But again, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Make sure you register now so you can watch on Thursday as I show you exactly how to make the most of it, step-by-step.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


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