Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What would you do in a critical scenario?

When I got out of the SEALs, I kept getting calls from Fortune 500 CEOs.

They always had some sort of "impossible to fix" crisis.

The CEO couldn't figure it out. Their team couldn't figure it out.

Everyone was panicking, thinking the ship was going down.

That's what happens when the top business leaders have nowhere else to turn, and even their elite, best-in-the-business team can't figure the problem out.

They call the SEALs.

And this is exactly why I teach these skills today.

In the last two emails, I announced our upcoming in-person training event in Carlsbad, CA from Sept. 16-19th,
Leadership Under Fire.

It's an exclusive 3-day deep dive with myself and my team, limited to 30 participants.

The focus is on leading in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environments or times, as we see them as the new norm.

If you want to secure your spot, it would be smart to do it ASAP.

Imagine you're at the event right now. It's day two. Maybe day three.

You're more comfortable after the initial meetings, training, and activities of the previous day or two.

Maybe you've made some friends, networking connections. You're settled in and starting to feel more confident.

Suddenly, our live-fire scenario kicks off.

Myself or a member of my team gets a phone call. Another member of the group has been kidnapped and is being held hostage (*in the scenario*).

The kidnappers say they will kill this person if their demands are not met within thirty minutes…

This is VUCA.

This is the critical moment where everything you've learned, inside and outside the event, kicks in.

And because you've trained as much as you have, because you've been listening, practicing the techniques and fully committing the last day or two…

You know what to do.

Or you don't.

In either case, this is a simulated SEAL scenario. This is how we practice for the unexpected.

And if you know how to handle a simulated SEAL mission, you'll be equipped to use the exact same skills, techniques, and processes when you're hit with a VUCA scenario in your life or your business.

And even if you don't know what to do, failure is the best way to learn what went wrong and why, and how to correctly navigate VUCA events in the future.

This is why
Leadership Under Fire can't be done online.

There will at some point be a challenging "real world" mission which we will debrief together. It may not be a simulated hostage situation – it could be something completely different.

This event is for those who want to take their training to the next level.

As Malcolm X said, "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today."

More details coming soon.


Mark Divine

PS. SIgn up before September 8th at mifnight and you'll save 40% off the registration fee!

Save your spot now before they're all filled up. And we'll see you there!

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