Friday, September 20, 2024

The Next Energy Revolution

Has just been ushered in
Friday, September 20th
"As our eyes grow accustomed to sight they armor themselves against wonder."

-Leonard Cohen
The Next Energy Revolution
If you wanna know the energy source of the future, I can give it to you right now:


Sure, the environmentalists have shut down the majority of nuclear reactors around the world. But nuclear is about to come back in a BIG way. And it’s not because of climate change or a “green new deal.” None of that pie in the sky stuff. The reason nuclear is coming back is just plain old economics. 

You see, artificial intelligence requires a ton of energy. You didn’t think all those chatCPT prompts came cheaply did you? Training a GPT model requires about the same amount of energy as 130 U.S. homes consume per year. And the current energy grid just can’t support those needs. 

And that’s just AI. But all of the data that our tech world produces is stored in massive data centers. As the data grows, those data centers need more energy to process and store it. Again, energy requirements that our current grid cannot provide. 

Which is why pretty much all of the tech companies are now lobbying for more nuclear power. Just today, Microsoft announce that it is paying to reopen the famed nuclear plant Three Mile Island:

This is a watershed moment for nuclear power. The deal will generate $800 million in expected revenue…per year…for the next 20 years. Wrap your head around that. I can’t, because it’s such a large number. 

And Microsoft is paying that much money for a 40 year old nuclear reactor. How much more money could newer models charge? In other words, the market for nuclear was just reinvigorated. 

And as nuclear is reborn and completely revolutionizes the American energy grid, I think one company could stand to benefit in a VERY big way. See which one right here.
To Better Trading,

Alex Reid

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