Monday, September 23, 2024

I’m handing out trade ideas like candy

Is it too early to say trick or treat?
It might not be Halloween yet, but boy do I have some treats for you!

I’ve identified three tickers that I believe will be the biggest winners from the Fed’s rate cuts. 

And I’m handing them out like candy — for FREE! 

You don’t even have to come knock on my door. 

All you have to do is register for my pop-up event on September 24th @2PM ET.

I’ll reveal each of the three tickers…

Why I like them…

And how much I expect them to run.  

Plus, make sure you stick around for ticker #3. 

Because I’m going to show you how to exploit a little-known “pricing glitch” in that ticker. 

And how that pricing glitch has allowed me to get a 91% win rate in LIVE trade signals since July…

Just by making one type of trade on Ticker #3 a few times per week. 

Oh, and those live trade signals have given my traders the chance to grow their $5k accounts into over $30k. 

It’s crazy!

While I can’t promise future wins or against losses, but I’m going to reveal how anyone can start making those trades. 

All you have to do is register for Tuesday’s event by clicking here.
-Alex Reid

DISCLAIMER: The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims and you may lose money. From 7/22/24 to 09/17/24, the average win rate is 91% and an average hold time of 2 hours. Performance is not indicative of future results. Trade at your own risk and never risk more than you can afford to lose

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