Monday, November 2, 2020

POLITICO New Jersey Playbook: Another political traffic jam in New Jersey

Matt Friedman's must-read briefing on the Garden State's important news of the day
Nov 02, 2020 View in browser
New Jersey Playbook

By Matt Friedman

Remember the conspiracy theory that some DOT roadwork on Route 47 was timed to tie up traffic ahead of the Trump rally in Wildwood?

It never made any sense. Not many drivers would be expected to take that route to the rally. But it didn't stop people from spreading it, including state Sen. Mike Testa (R-Cumberland) who during his own speech that night said "even when Democrats put up roadblocks to stop us, we are here in the thousands." (Traffic was not a problem on Route 47 ahead of the rally).

So there's plenty of irony to yesterday's Trump convoy showing its support for the president and causing a standstill on the express lanes of the Garden State Parkway northbound. A video that was tweeted last night suggested the jam was caused by police not allowing the vehicles to exit at the Cheesequake rest stop. But that video shows Trump supporters stopped across all the lanes of traffic while police are just blocking the exit. Nothing in the video shows the Trump convoy was blocked from continuing up the Parkway. And another video shows a Trump convoy stopped on the Mario Cuomo Bridge in New York. (And down in Texas, this happened).

Irony aside, New Jerseyans are familiar with both traffic and political scandals. And political traffic scandals. And there's no more surefire way to anger New Jerseyans than to cause a traffic jam for political reasons.

CORONAVIRUS TRACKER — 1,751 newly-diagnosed cases for a total of 239,629. Four more deaths for a total of 14,561 (and 1,793 presumed deaths)

WHERE'S MURPHY? — Holding a virtual coronavirus press conference at 1 p.m. Media: MSNBC at 9:05 a.m.

QUOTE OF THE DAY : "Something is wrong with our politics." — Former Gov. Tom Kean in an ad for his son, Tom Kean Jr., who supports President Trump and has been largely silent about his rhetoric


WHEN GOV. DAD JOKES JUST TURN INTO GOV. DAD — Murphy won't rule out statewide curfew as new Covid cases surpass 2K, by POLITICO's Katherine Landergan: Gov. Phil Murphy on Friday would not rule out imposing a statewide curfew for businesses as new coronavirus cases shot above 2,000, the highest daily total since early May. "If we had to, I just hope we don't have to," Murphy said during an appearance on CNN when asked about further restrictions. "We've done it before, and if we had to we would do it again. But please God, I hope it doesn't get to get to that." Murphy closed non-essential businesses in New Jersey back in March to help clamp down on the spread of the virus, and allowed for a gradual reopening months later.

THE THICK BLUE LINE — "Why don't more cops speak out about alleged misconduct? Look what happened to one who tried," by NJ Advance Media's S.P. Sullivan: "The first time Asbury Park Police Sgt. Kamil Warraich alerted county prosecutors he had 'serious concerns' his department was flouting state internal affairs rules, city officials took action. They suspended him for 'misuse of public property' because he used department letterhead to write prosecutors. Two years later, Warraich warned in a 2019 internal memo that some veteran officers didn't want to 'wast' Narcan, a life-saving anti-overdose drug, on addicts. Their comments, he said, 'make me want to slit my own wrist,' prompting police brass to again take action. This time, they sent Warraich for a psychological evaluation over the remark and moved to force him into disability retirement last May. He has spent the past 15 months at home, fighting for his job, even though he obtained a second evaluation declaring him fit for duty. All the while, taxpayers have footed his $126,000 annual salary. Amid national protests over deadly police encounters and demands for more transparency in internal affairs investigations, demonstrators in New Jersey also are asking a fundamental question: Why don't more cops speak out about misconduct?"

AUDIOCASETTE ASKS BLIND VOTERS TO CHOOSE EITHER REAGAN OR MONDALE — " Blind NJ residents are denied private, independent votes in 2020 election, advocates say," by The Record's Gene Myers: "Voting is not accessible to blind voters and voters with vision loss, advocates said. Mary Ciccone, director of policy at Disability Rights New Jersey, said the audio devices, which connect to the voting machines to read ballots to voters wearing headphones, are the most common problem she sees when it comes to making voting accessible. Some of them are so old they still use audiocassettes, and the majority are awkward to handle and confusing to use, advocates said. They are intended to make voting easier, but in reality they are 'difficult to use' and 'not intuitive,' she said. Furthermore, poll workers often don't know how to set them up."

IF HE HAS A SCANDAL IT WILL BE CALLED BRIDGESTATE Bridges promises to help colleges 'chart a course toward the post-pandemic world', by POLITICO's Carly Sitrin: Brian Bridges, New Jersey's soon-to-be new acting Secretary of Higher Education, says he will use his position to help colleges in the state "chart a course toward the post-pandemic world." With more than 2,000 new Covid-19 cases reported on Friday — the most in a single day since May — the state has firmly entered the second wave of the virus and colleges and universities statewide are bracing for another semester of possible quarantines, room and board refunds, lawsuits, and demands from students and faculty for safer learning environments.

—Nancy Erika Smith: "Trump isn't the only one pushing the courts to the right"

—Cathy Keenan and Tammy Murphy: "As housing crisis looms, a call to action for NJ's legal community"

—"Murphy tweaks COVID-19 rules for sporting events, malls, grocery stores and tutoring centers"

—"With voting surge, NJ National Guard to help process ballots in the state through Election Day"

CARTOON BREAK — "The MVC is haunted," by Drew Sheneman


NEW EPISODES OF POLITICO'S GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS PODCAST: The world has long been beset by big problems that defy political boundaries, and these issues have exploded in 2020. Are world leaders and political actors up to the task of solving them? Is the private sector? Our Global Translations podcast, presented by Citi, unpacks the roadblocks to smart policy decisions and examines the long-term costs of the short-term thinking that drives many political and business decisions. Subscribe for Season Two, available now.


THE RIGHT WAY, THE WRONG WAY AND THE CALLAWAY — "Could voter suppression impact South Jersey's tight 2nd District race?" by Jeff Pillets for NJ Spotlight: "Fourteen years ago, Craig Callaway walked out of South Woods State Prison after a 42-month term for bribery committed while serving as the Atlantic City council president … Today, and every day through Election Day, Callaway is walking the streets of his native Atlantic City armed with $110,000 in get-out-the-vote money from Jeff Van Drew, the Democrat-turned-Republican who is fighting to retain his seat in South Jersey's 2nd Congressional District. 'What I do is legal but it's very expensive — it takes a lot of money,' said Callaway in a phone interview with NJ Spotlight News on Thursday. 'In fact, I need a lot more money. We're out in the streets. We're hustling.' … Callaway's brand of vote hustling has generated widespread contempt from South Jersey's Black community, and other critics, who say he's perfected a voter suppression regime that could impact this tight congressional race. Top Democrats say the Callaway controversy reflects broader anxiety in the party that other pockets of minority voters in New Jersey may be targeted this year by similar tactics, or even outright intimidation. Voters are already awash in misinformation, and many are confused about voting in the state's first almost all-mail general election. 'He'll go around giving people $20 or $30 for their ballots and then he does what he wants with them — it's like living in 1954 or something,' said Tanzie Youngblood, a retired schoolteacher from Gloucester County who ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic congressional primary."

VAN DREW PLEDGES UNDYING APPETITE TO DC RESTAURANT INDUSTRY — "Van Drew spent almost $30k on Washington eateries, sometimes on days he skipped COVID meetings," by New Jersey Globe's David Wildstein: "During his first term in Congress, Van Drew used his re-election campaign account to pick up nearly $30,000 worth of meals and beverages, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. More than 77% of that was spent at two upscale steakhouses where the freshman Democrat-turned-Republican has seemingly become a regular: Prime Rib, where waiters wear tuxedos and walk on a legendary leopard skin carpet; and at the Steakhouse Del Frisco, where a bone-in Strip Steak goes for $68 … The New Jersey Globe reviewed Van Drew's attendance records at 2020 committee meetings and found that he missed 8 of 13 Homeland Security meetings, including five that concentrated on the pandemic."

CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE WHO EMBRACED QANON MAD THAT PEOPLE OUTSIDE CRAZY CIRCLES NOTICED — "QAnon lurks behind the election, from your family text chain to a New Jersey congressional race," by WNYC's Matt Katz: "In another congressional race in New Jersey, Republican nominee Billy Prempeh is facing an uphill battle against the incumbent Democrat, Congressman Bill Pascrell. Several months ago, Prempeh posted a picture with supporters and a QAnon flag. In a brief interview, which Prempeh recorded and then mockingly posted online, he indicated he kept the picture up to troll reporters who didn't want to otherwise speak to him about his platform."

KIND OF BLUE —" Voters take aim at Trump's allies in Jersey," by The Star-Ledger's Tom Moran : "The shocker is that Rep. Andy Kim, D-3rd, a freshman Democrat running in a traditionally Republican district, is ahead by double digits, a measure of this tsunami's strength. His challenger, David Richter, has surrendered, raising almost no money and shutting off the spigot to this own fortune. 'This is triage season,' says David Wasserman of the Cook Political Report. 'And it's pretty clear which races are percolating, and which races are not.' Republicans are still hoping to fight the currents in two districts, like salmon swimming upstream to breed. All their hopes now rest with State Sen. Tom Kean in the suburban 7th District, and Rep. Jeff Van Drew in South Jersey's 2nd District. And even in those districts, Republicans are trailing, according to the political oddsmakers at Cook and Inside Elections. 'Today's Republican brand is the Trump brand,' says Wasserman. 'It works in blue collar corners of the country. But it does not work in Morris, or Union or Somerset, and it doesn't work well among the horse country set in Hunterdon.'"

0.0002% OF BLOOMBERG'S NET WORTH —"Michael Bloomberg fuels Union-driven PAC that supports NJ Dems ," by The Record's Charles Stile: "Among labor's big money allies includes one person who is not known for wearing blue-collar work shirts — billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York. "Union 2020" super PAC has spent more than $120,000 in the race, with roughly half of it being spent to boost Kennedy and the other half dedicated to defeating Van Drew, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, the Washington-based campaign finance watchdog."

Poll shows Van Drew-Kennedy race in NJ-02 a dead heat

—"Van Drew, Kennedy going for every last vote"

—Hennelly: " Atlantic City has a warning for the nation: Donald Trump brings ruin and despair"

—"Trump begged suburban women, 'Please like me.' These N.J. moms say he's always had their vote"

—" Hindus in N.J. who voted for Trump in 2016 say their support is waning"

—"Dozens of Trump campaign signs, including the mayor's, vanish in Hawthorne"

—" Spring Lake Biden backer says he got a 'threat' - a bullet-riddled human target"

—"N.J. donors send almost $20 million to U.S. Senate candidates nationally, mostly to Democrats"


SPEND ELECTION NIGHT WITH POLITICO FOUR SQUARE: People have been voting for weeks, but Election Day is finally upon us! Join us for a special election night episode of POLITICO "Four Square," where host Eugene Daniels will break down the latest developments from across the country with Chief Political Correspondent Tim Alberta, Chief Washington Correspondent Ryan Lizza, and one of our top political reporters and CNN contributor Laura Barrón-López. Joined by colleagues from across the newsroom throughout the show, expect the group to share the latest exit poll readouts, analyze the closing Trump and Biden campaign strategies, and to share their favorite moments of this long and winding election. Tune in at 9:00 p.m. EST here.



WHAT ARE OCEAN COUNTY PROSECUTORS SMOKING? — "Teens caught with weed on N.J. beach had their criminal case reinstated. Critics question why," by NJ Advance Media's Kevin Shea: "In the middle of August last year, just after midnight on a near-empty stretch of sand along the ocean, a Beach Haven police officer saw what appeared to be someone using a lighter. Smoking is illegal on the beach, so the officer investigated … The suspects, both college kids, were charged with possessing less than 50 grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia .. the suspects' lawyers filed an action to have the cases dismissed by a county's chief judge, arguing among other things, it was a minor drug bust and would create harm to the college students … And they won, in January. The Ocean County Prosecutor's Office, however, appealed the January dismissal … This time, the prosecution won. A three-judge appeals panel overturned Ford's decision and picked it apart in the process, saying Ford stepped out of bounds, and took issue with her view of the 'changing societal attitudes' about possessing small amounts of marijuana. The appeals decision flabbergasted the young man's attorney, who picked it apart himself, and the state's American Civil Liberties Union. Both say it's a travesty of justice, a waste of time and money, and wonder why exactly Ocean County prosecutors fought to reinstate a municipal court case that could be moot in a matter of months – as New Jersey inevitably hurtles toward legalized marijuana."

PARAMESS — "Judge orders Paramus council members to obey hiring practices," by The Record's Stephanie Noda : "A judge has sided with the mayor's son and has ordered council members to obey and enforce the borough's code when it comes to hiring. Superior Court Judge Christine Farrington ruled on Friday that Chapter 99-3 of the borough's code, which discusses hiring practices, was 'valid, constitutional and legally binding.' Vincent LaBarbiera, son of Democratic Mayor Richard LaBarbiera, had filed a lawsuit against the borough after Republican council members refused to hire him as a police officer for nine months. He sought to clarify what council members can or cannot consider while hiring."

TRANSPARENCY — "Paterson 2nd Ward candidates continue to miss state deadlines on finance reports," by The Paterson Press' Joe Malinconico: "Despite conducting robust campaigns, the two front-runners in Paterson's 2nd Ward City Council race — Mohammed Akhtaruzzaman and Shahin Khalique — have failed to comply with state laws requiring they file election finance reports. The two men, who finished tied in the May 12 election, didn't file any of the three itemized campaign finance reports required for that race, nor have they submitted the two reports that are overdue for the Tuesday contest. Other candidates in the race are citing the front-runners' repeated failures to file the reports as a reflection of their lack of credibility and transparency."

NO — "In Ocean County, can Democrats break GOP lock on freeholders?"

—"Questions linger about Trenton clerk's resume amid spat with Councilman Jerell Blakeley"

—"Englewood Black Lives Matter rally demands change following arrest of four activists"

—"Amazon to open new delivery center in Lodi, bringing hundreds of jobs"

—" Hackensack's affordable housing plan sets aside 10% of new units in three downtown zones"

—"NJ extends $130M tax credit deadline for 'once-in-a-lifetime' Paterson development projects"

—" Howell candidates all oppose 'the dump.' Here's why they're fighting about it, anyway"

—"Lakewood once erased this cemetery; a freeholder's family restored it"


THE BROTHELS WOULD LIKE THIS, TOO — "Atlantic City casinos to Gov. Murphy: 'We need conventions'," by The Press of Atlantic CIty's David Danzis: " The millions of dollars forfeited in 2020 without the New Jersey Education Association's and New Jersey State League of Municipalities' annual conventions — both have resorted to holding virtual events due to the novel coronavirus — are just the tip of the iceberg. As the colder weather approaches and visitation to the city naturally declines, local officials and casino operators are concerned the state's capacity limits on indoor activities will cause an economic ripple effect that could mean serious trouble for a leisure and hospitality industry — and a region — already struggling under the weight of a global pandemic. 'This is our prime season for conventions and meetings ... (but) we need help,' said Steve Callender, president of the Casino Association of New Jersey and regional president of Caesars Entertainment Inc., which operates four of the city's nine casinos … State lawmakers, city officials, casino executives and labor union leaders have asked Gov. Phil Murphy to ease the restrictions on indoor gatherings so that meetings, conventions and trade shows can resume and restaurants, bars and entertainment venues can accommodate more patrons. Failure to do this, they warn, could result in significant profit loss, the elimination of even more jobs and a prolonged economic recovery."


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