Tuesday, October 20, 2020

#492: NCVER signs MOU with US institute, budget highlights & more

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Edition #492  |  21 October 2020

A unique glimpse into generational change

LSAY data is now available across 3 decades, offering a unique glimpse into how youth transitions have changed across a generation.

LSAY data paints a remarkable picture of how different the working world is for youth today; young people are finding it significantly harder to secure full-time work than they were 10 years ago and are coming up against more and more barriers while looking for a job.

LSAY also shows us how these factors impact on young Australians as they try to make their way in the world, which will become increasingly relevant as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The release of data from the final interviews for the fifth group of LSAY participants, who commenced taking their surveys in 2009, marks a huge milestone for the survey program.

Life at 25: then & now uses this data to create a snapshot of how study, training and work have changed for Australians aged 25 in 2019 when compared with those of the same age in 2009.

Infographic: Life at 25: then & now
Media release: LSAY offers unique glimpse into generational change

Budgets 2020-21: What’s in there for skills and training?

Summaries of funding allocated to skills and training in the 2020-21 Federal Budget and the Western Australian State Budget are now available in the VOCEDplus VET Knowledge Bank.

We’ve categorised the summaries under six headings — Apprenticeships and traineeships; Employment; Industry; National Agreements; Regulation; and Training providers and programs — and included links to relevant budget papers and fact sheets.

The VET policy initiatives 2020 page provides more information about the new VET programs and initiatives mentioned in the budgets.

Together, these pages make it easier for you to locate key policy and funding information relevant to the VET sector.

What's new on the NIIR

As mentioned recently in NCVER News, the Industry Directory on the AISC's National Industry Insights Report is being updated with new content over the coming months.

This week we're focusing on what you can discover in the Pulp & Paper Manufacturing, Property Services, Agriculture, and Corrections & Public Safety pages.

  • Corrections & Public Safety: COVID-19 had an immediate impact on the Defence sector, with applications to join the military up 42% (incl female applicants up 78%) as at July 2020.
  • Pulp & Paper Manufacturing was granted 'essential industry' status during COVID-19 to ensure we had access to toilet paper, tissues, cardboard packaging for deliveries & other products experiencing record demand.
  • Property Services: ‘Bushfire Attack Level assessment’ and ‘fire-preventative design and planning’ skills are now in higher demand in the Property Inspection & Servicing sector in the wake of the 2019-2020 bushfires.
  • Agriculture: Employment levels for Gardeners continue to increase, peaking at 79,800 in 2020. However projections suggest that number may fall to 71,800 by 2024.
Learn more: see latest updates or follow the Twitter hashtag for highlights

NCVER signs MOU with leading US research organisation

NCVER has signed an international memorandum of understanding agreement with the New York based Council for Aid to Education (CAE) to share practice in the field of vocational education and training, assessment research and understanding skill development for the 21st century.

The CAE is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1952, and is a leader in helping educators to better understand student potential and improve student skills.

Learn more about the CAE: Council for Aid to Education

Getting to know VET

The 'Getting to know VET' section of the VET Knowledge Bank has now been updated with the latest information. Visit 'Getting to know VET' now for a visual overview and explanations of key components of Australia’s VET system.

A new and improved version of the historical MINCO to CISC timeline is also available. Updates include 'hovers' to spell out the acronyms, and links to further information on COAG Ministerial Councils responsible for education and training.

Coming soon: A new essay explaining the influence of ‘landmark’ VET documents on the funding of Australia's VET sector over the years.


AVETRA's annual OctoberVET event is now underway. NCVER staff will be presenting at the following webinars:

Topic: An Introduction to VET and Australian Apprenticeships Data
NCVER presenter: Phil Loveder, Executive Manager Inform and Engage
Host: The Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service
Info: Wed 28 October, 2.00pm-3.00pm AEDT. Register now

Topic: Women learning, women working: how disability & gender shape training & career opportunities
NCVER presenter: Michelle Circelli, Senior Researcher (as part of a panel)
Host: Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE)
Info: Thurs 29 October, 2.00pm-3.00pm AEDT. Register now

Coming soon: our latest data and research

Stay tuned for the following NCVER releases over the coming weeks:

  • Research: Work-based education in VET
  • Statistics: Government-funded students and courses: Jan-June 2020

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for updates, or subscribe for new release alerts.

NCVER out and about

VELG conferenceVELG 2020 Virtual VET Expo
26-30 October 2020, come and visit NCVER's virtual booth
Registration: Free and open now!

OctoberVET webinarAn Introduction to VET and Australian Apprenticeships Data
Details: See article above

OctoberVET webinarWomen learning, women working: how disability and gender shape training and career opportunities 
Details: See article above

Visit our VET Calendar for more events.

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National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Level 5, 60 Light Square
Adelaide SA 5000

Ph +61 8 8230 8400

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