Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Teams are force multipliers

The term “force multiplier” comes from military science.

It refers to a factor or combination of factors that dramatically increase the effectiveness of a soldier.

Factors that allow him to get more done in less time, with less expense.

Factors that allow him to be 20 times more efficient than he would be without these factors.

If you are a mission-driven leader, you know how important this is.

You’ve encountered problems in your life and your business in the past.

Inefficient systems. Communication errors or failures leading to crises.

And you’ve likely had to solve a lot of problems quickly in order to avert or control a crisis.

Now, maybe you were able to solve some of these problems alone. Or maybe you were working alongside a team that helped you get there.

Regardless, the bottom line is this:

Teams are force multipliers.

If you’re a leader who has made it to the top of your company, this is something you already know.

More likely than not, it was a team, or a number of teams, that helped you along the way. 

It was collective effort, intelligence and power of your teams that led to your opportunity to rise to the top.

But now that you’re at the top, there is likely an isolation factor.

Paradoxically, making it to the top, and becoming isolated as the person at the top, often distances you from further force multiplication.

This happens to countless CEOs and business leaders, and often, they’re not sure where to turn.

If you are a leader in this position, you need to join an elite team.

The right team can help you achieve 20 times more than you ever could on your own – not just in your business, but in every aspect of your life.

This is why we have created Unbeatable Team, our exclusive highest level year-long mastermind.

Our Unbeatable Team members want the entire package, so we focus on whole-life abundance.

If you join, be prepared to:
  • Experience laser-like focus towards your biggest goals, and achieve them

  • Develop unshakable confidence, focus, and discipline

  • Achieve peak fitness and an incredible physique

  • Face chaos with decisiveness and clarity

  • Experience joy, health, connection, and new levels of energy

  • Find the balance to spend more time with family and loved ones

  • Gain the ultimate leverage in all areas of your life
After all of my experience with the SEALs…

And after 30 years of building and forging some of the best teams in the world…

The most important thing I’ve learned is this:

Being part of an elite team is your ultimate force multiplier.

Apply for Unbeatable Team to bring your entire life to the next level and beyond.


Mark Divine


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