Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Powell needs to stand strong

Or will he crumble under the pressure?
Tuesday, September 17th
“Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” 

- Abraham Lincoln
Tomorrow the Fed will reveal their plan for rate cuts. Even as you read this, the Fed board is deliberating in secret. Will they raise rates? Cut them? Keep them neutral? 

The majority consensus is that they are going to cut. The question in most people’s mind is not if, but by how much. 25 basis points? Or 50? 

But hardly anyone is saying that the Fed won’t cut at all. But I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the Fed will not cut at all tomorrow. Now, I’m aware that this is a contrarian position. I’m also aware that I’ve already written extensively about my position. But, an extreme viewpoint requires an extreme amount of support. 

So, let’s look at why I believe this. First off, the retail data that was released today. 

Retail sales are up. That’s not what happens in a recession. 

Industrial production is also up:

Which also is not what happens in a recession. 

And of course, we have CPI and PPI, the two most important inflation numbers that are also both still rising. PPI (Producer-measure inflation) is actually accelerating. 

So, why would Powell cut? If he cuts, inflation is likely to reaccelerate, and Powell’s legitimacy will tank. He will be a laughingstock of the world. Because not only will he have failed the inflation mission, he will also be seen as a partisan hack who cut interest rates right before an election. 

The letter from Elizabeth Warren and Co., where they begged for a 75 bps cut put Powell into a corner. If he cuts, it will appear to be a blatant political move to benefit the Left.

Powell wants to leave a legacy. And all of this combined leads me to believe we will not see rate cuts. 


Onto the levels I’m eyeing for the week. This week will require us to be nimble due to the Fed decision tomorrow. Everything could change in a moment. But for now, here’s what I’m eyeing:


Multiple bounces off a $66.95 support line. If the past two bounces are any indication, price could hit $78. Currently $76. 


If price breaks above $188, we could see a nice little run up. 


Eyeing a $130 price target by end of month. 

Tomorrow, I will be hosting a livestream before the Fed meeting. And showing one of my top strategies for trading the volatility that will soar after the Fed makes their decision. If you want to sign up for that, click here.
To Better Trading,

Alex Reid

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