Thursday, August 15, 2024

Recessions: The Silent Portfolio Killers

Here’s my plan to stay ahead of the pack…
Look at these vertical, shaded gray lines…
They indicate a recession

And that’s what typically happens after multiple, aggressive rate cuts…

The kind of rate cuts Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s being pressured to make as early as September. 

That’s why it’s important to prepare yourself in case the balloon goes up

Because I know how recessions can impact people:

Job losses
Higher borrowing costs
50% drawdowns on portfolios

It can get real ugly… real fast. 

So we need to think ahead… 

And start building a game plan…

That can help us position ourselves for the best possible outcomes… 

Even if the markets — and the economy — turn into a complete dumpster fire. 

Follow this link to see the “Recession Roadmap” I plan on using when the bulls raise the white flag… and the bears take over.

Trade well,
Jack Carter


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