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Your health practices are a wonderful way to re-connect with lost parts of yourself. The meticulous child who rearranged their sock drawer every Saturday might re-emerge as you wash up after cooking a nutritious meal; the bouncing little gymnast who had the energy of a puppy may float across your mind as you near the park for a run. As your practice strengthens, remember to gently embrace the parts of you that emerge. It is through acceptance, not judgment, that we achieve wholeness.
June 12, 2023 - June 18, 2023 - You may be tempted to work too hard, which is going to mess up your diet a little. For your own sake, don't overdo it. You could be more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and too much fast food. Indulging could still be the main problem you face, but don't try to beat it cold turkey. A small, occasional treat is better than none at all.
You might be feeling a little detached from the world early in the week, but that's okay. Take some personal time for self-care and just do you for a while until you feel like you're ready to reconnect.
A tense square between Mercury (our cosmic informer) in indecisive Gemini and Saturn (the serious planet) in pessimistic Pisces shows up on Thursday, surrounding you with anxiousness and a sense of impending gloom. Wait, this is what happens when you decide you're ready to head back into the world and finally reach out to the people you've been ignoring?! Don’t worry; this is a short aspect. If you can make yourself think more positive thoughts, the day's underlying theme is "you've probably already experienced your share of worst-case scenarios and are headed for better days."
One of those better days is Saturday when ambitious Saturn loosens up on its restrictive vibe as it goes retrograde in intuitive Pisces. What's been holding you back from the success you deserve? During this lofty transit, you're free to dream big and imagine all the amazing possibilities that are yet to come!
The universe gives a quick little end-of-the-week warning with its square between the sometimes-scandalous Gemini sun (our universal...
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