Thursday, August 4, 2022

♟ Chart Patterns Improve Your Trade Timing

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Editor's Note: There are two categories investors tend to fall into: technical traders and fundamentalists.

As a Trade of the Day reader who follows Bryan and Karim, you know this better than anyone.

Karim is Monument Traders Alliance's Head Fundamental Tactician. He spends a lot of time analyzing the financial health of companies and tracking the insiders who know those companies best.

Meanwhile, Bryan, our Head Trade Tactician, focuses on technical analysis. Every day, Bryan identifies chart patterns that signal bearish or bullish patterns emerging in stocks.

But here's the thing...

Bryan and Karim agree that successful trading involves using both techniques. It's critical to a properly balanced trader.

And our friend Marc Lichtenfeld, The Oxford Club's Chief Income Strategist, concurs. Check out his insights below on why both fundamentals and technicals have a place in successful investing.

Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher

"After all, it's not enough to know just if you should buy a company... You also need to know when to buy and when to sell."

Marc Lichtenfeld, Chief Income Strategist, The Oxford Club

<Marc Lichtenfeld

Investors often fall into one of two categories: fundamentalists or technical analysts.

Fundamentalists rely on company fundamentals, like earnings, debt, price-to-earnings ratio, etc.

This information is typically released in a company's quarterly or annual statements.

It helps an investor determine whether they should invest in a company.

Technical analysts rely on chart patterns to tell them where an equity is headed.

This helps them answer two of the biggest questions investors have:

  1. When should I enter a position?
  2. When should I exit a position?

After more than three decades in the market, I've come to learn a secret...

Click Here to Learn More About Technical Analysis


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