Thursday, June 2, 2022

POLITICO Florida Playbook: DeSantis' big day: Billions in spending and lots of vetoes

Gary Fineout's must-read briefing on what's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State
Jun 02, 2022 View in browser
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By Gary Fineout

Hello and welcome to Thursday.

Final countdown Well, he's been warming up for this for weeks now, but Gov. Ron DeSantis today will finally sign off on a new $112 billion state budget passed by legislators way back in March.

What's in Through a series of swings across the state, DeSantis has already talked numerous times about what he plans to approve: More money for cancer research, recruitment bonuses for new police officers, payments to first responders, another boost in teacher pay.

What's out Now we get to learn about what is going to be vetoed. And in a year when state legislators were flush with cash there are lots of potential targets. There are already rumblings it could be a big record-setting number, and the question is whether those vetoes zero in on some of the top priorities of legislative leaders such as Senate President Wilton Simpson.

Lots of moving parts There are also key bills running alongside the budget worth watching, including the decision to create a sixth appeals court (carrying with it a $50 million price tag for a new courthouse in Lakeland). There's curious language in that bill ordering the governor to "recommission" or transfer judges around in a way that some have suggested could run afoul of the separation-of-powers. (Did we mention that Lakeland is the home of state Sen. Kelli Stargel, who is now running in a contested GOP primary for Congress?)

Also worth watching Another budget-related bill championed by Simpson — a candidate for agriculture commissioner — has to do with Lake Okeechobee and water resources. The initial version drew the immediate scorn of DeSantis because of its impact on Everglades restoration. The legislation was altered amid the governor's opposition, but there are still some who want the bill vetoed.

A political document — DeSantis will also likely use the budget — and the record-setting reserves Florida has this year (although $2 billion of that was set aside last week to shore up private insurance companies) — as a way to bash the Biden administration. There's a good chance he'll say the largesse was made possible because of the governor's anti-lockdown policies. It doesn't fit the narrative of either side of course but two ideas can both be correct: Florida's economy did recover quickly due to the governor's policies while at the same time the federal government flooded the state with billions in aid that helped the state avoid severe budget cuts and let the governor and Legislature dole out lots of money.

— WHERE'S RON? — Gov. DeSantis is expected to sign the new state budget passed by legislators back in March. DeSantis is also scheduled to join conservative commentator Dave Rubin in Orlando as a guest for Rubin's "Don't Burn This Country" tour.

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TO COURT — "Abortion rights groups sue to stop Florida's 15-week ban ," by POLITICO's Arek Sarkissian: A coalition of abortion rights groups on Wednesday filed a lawsuit in state court to block Florida's new 15-week abortion ban, arguing the law threatens doctors with jail time and violates privacy rights that are enshrined in the state Constitution. The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida on behalf of two regional Planned Parenthood offices and six abortion providers, was widely expected after the Republican-controlled Legislature approved the ban and GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis signed it into law on April 14.

THE TALLAHASSEE WAY — "'Full throttle': How the Florida Legislature is making Ron DeSantis into a GOP juggernaut," by Allan Smith and Marc Caputo: "[Gov. Ron] DeSantis has hogged the headlines and the spotlight, starting with his management of the Covid pandemic in 2020. But he wouldn't be such a GOP juggernaut this year without his hand-in-glove relationship with the Legislature, which moved with such dispatch that Republican governors in other states such as Texas and South Dakota often have to play catch-up to him. With DeSantis facing re-election this year and as more Republicans push him to run for president in 2024, state leaders say get ready for more."

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announces a proposal.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis arrives to announce a proposal for an increase in pay for state law enforcement agencies to encourage more officers to relocate to Florida, during a news conference at the Florida Highway Patrol Troop D headquarters in Orlando, Fla. Monday, Nov. 29, 2021. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP) | (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP)

SCHOOL DAZE — "Ron DeSantis plotted an all-out assault on public universities," by Seeking Rents Jason Garcia: "Records obtained through a series of public-records requests show that [Gov. Ron] DeSantis' office recently developed a sweeping plan to overhaul higher-education oversight in Florida. The governor's proposal would have centralized more power in boards run by the governor's political appointees, made colleges and universities more dependent on money controlled by politicians in Tallahassee, and imposed more restrictions on what schools can teach. The DeSantis plan would have even stripped university presidents of the ability to hire professors."

FREEZING IN MIAMI? — "FPL's proposed shift in planning future power needs could cost billions, critics tell PSC," by POLITICO's Bruce Ritchie: The Office of Public Counsel and other groups on Wednesday criticized a Florida Power & Light Co. proposal to estimate future power needs based on possible freezing winter temperatures in Miami, a planning shift that critics said could cost utility customers hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars. The usually routine annual hearing on 10-year plans for the state's three largest utilities became contentious on Wednesday after FPL proposed estimating future power needs based on future extreme winter weather rather than summer use when air conditioners are running."

POINTING BACK — "Sarasota's hospital district pushes back in a legal dispute over opioid settlements," by News Service of Florida's Jim Saunders: "Two public hospital districts are firing back against Attorney General Ashley Moody in a dispute about settlements with pharmaceutical-industry companies over the opioid epidemic, accusing her of overstepping her authority. The Sarasota County Public Hospital District and Lee Memorial Health System filed a counterclaim Friday in a lawsuit that Moody filed in April against five hospital districts and the Miami-Dade County School Board."

— " Citizens leader gives top marks to property insurance law, but cautious on short-term rate effects," by Florida Politics' Gray Rohrer


'CAN'T SQUEEZE BLOOD FROM A STONE' — "'Joe Biden ain't helping me': Grieco's abrupt exits amplifies larger problems for Florida Democrats ," by POLITICO's Matt Dixon: Rep. Michael Grieco (D-Miami Beach) is bowing out of what was expected to be one of Florida's biggest state Senate races in the 2022 midterms, a move that encapsulates the severe headwinds Florida Democrats face due to a lack of money and the Biden administration's uniquely unpopular decisions in the state.

Doing the math — Grieco was facing state Sen. Ileana Garcia, (R-Miami), who was expected even under the best of circumstances to have a far larger war chest. Grieco knew that going into the race, but things changed last week when he said Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book (D-Plantation) signaled to him roughly only $1 million would be available from Senate Victory, the Senate Democrat's campaign arm, for his race. Grieco has said he would need between $3 and $4 million to be competitive in the seat.

WHERE THINGS STAND While Book's team has said it will find a challenger to Garcia, Democrats are in a battle to prevent Republicans from taking a supermajority in the Florida Senate. The GOP currently has a 23 to 16 margin with one seat currently vacant. With about two weeks to go before candidate qualifying is over only 20 out of 40 races are being contested by both parties. And if you look closer at the numbers only five seats — including Garcia's seat — are likely in play. The GOP looks guaranteed to win at least 22 seats compared to just 13 for Democrats.

INTRIGUE — " Failed push for early Crist endorsement puts spotlight on Florida labor unions," by POLITICO's Matt Dixon: Florida's largest teachers union failed to persuade organized labor groups to give a primary endorsement to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist, setting off a behind-the-scenes lobbying effort to sway the crucial political support of state labor unions as Democrats prepare to take on Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Back and forth Crist's campaign is now lobbying non-FEA labor organizations to join the teachers union in backing his campaign and helping him secure a full endorsement at the AFL-CIO conference later this month in Orlando. Fried's campaign is lobbying that same collection of so-far undecided groups to support organized labor not issuing a unified endorsement ahead of the primary. Fried, who has trailed Crist in fundraising and most polls, cast the early endorsement request as Crist trying to game the system even though union rules allow for such a request.

ST. PETERSBURG, FL - JUNE 19: Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) greets attendees during Black Lives Matters Business Expo on June 19, 2020 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The St. Petersburg Black Lives Matters group organized the Juneteenth celebration event which featured black-owned businesses from around the Tampa Bay area. (Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images)

ST. PETERSBURG, FL - JUNE 19: Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) greets attendees during Black Lives Matters Business Expo on June 19, 2020 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The St. Petersburg Black Lives Matters group organized the Juneteenth celebration event which featured black-owned businesses from around the Tampa Bay area. (Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images) | Getty Images

CAMPAIGN ROUNDUP State Rep. Anna Eskamani, the Orlando Democrat who briefly considered her own run for governor for last year, is endorsing Rep. Charlie Crist's bid. Eskamani's endorsement gives Crist backing from someone in the progressive wing of the party at a time he's being criticized over positions he took when he was a Republican. "I did not make this decision lightly — but as Democrats we need to unite and stay focused on victory in November," Eskamani said in a statement. "Charlie is the best candidate right now to bring us together and to help build a more prosperous Florida for all." … Crist, meanwhile, has endorsed Eric Lynn in his effort to keep Crist's current congressional district in Democratic hands. Lynn, a former official in the Obama administration, remains in the race for Florida's 13th District after two legislators withdrew their bids. …

... Ruth's List Florida endorsed Michele Rayner for reelection to House District 62. Rayner had been running for Florida's 13th Congressional District but switched back to her legislative seat. …The Northwest Florida Federation of Labor and Big Bend Labor Chapter announced Wednesday it is endorsing two Tallahassee Democrats — state Sen. Loranne Ausley and Rep. Allison Tant — for reelection. … The Florida Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association endorsed Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis for reelection.

— "'Evil,' 'authoritarian dictator': Charlie Crist, Nikki Fried blast Ron DeSantis ," by Florida Politics' Scott Powers

— "Former ADL Florida director looks to replace Ted Deutch," by Jewish Insider's Marc Rod


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'YES, WE HAVE FRINGE ELEMENT' — "How the Proud Boys gripped the Miami-Dade Republican Party," by New York Times' Patricia Mazzei and Alan Feuer: "The concerted effort by the Proud Boys to join the leadership of the party — and, in some cases, run for local office — has destabilized and dramatically reshaped the Miami-Dade Republican Party that former Gov. Jeb Bush and others built into a powerhouse nearly four decades ago, transforming it from an archetype of the strait-laced establishment to an organization roiled by internal conflict as it wrestles with forces pulling it to the hard right. The conflict comes at a pivotal moment for Republicans nationally, as primary voters weigh whether to wrench the party from its extremist elements — or more fully embrace them."


GETTING NATIONAL ATTENTION — "Florida's red flag law, championed by Republicans, is taking guns from thousands of people," by CNN's Steve Contorno, Leyla Santiago and Denise Royal: "Twice a week from her courtroom, Florida 13th Circuit Court Judge Denise Pomponio decides who in Hillsborough County can no longer be trusted with a gun. In just the last two months, she has taken away the firearm privileges of dozens of people, including a dad accused of threatening to 'shoot everyone' at his son's school, a woman who police say attempted suicide and then accidentally shot her boyfriend during a struggle for her revolver, a husband who allegedly fired multiple rounds in the street to 'blow off steam' after losing a family member, a bullied 13-year-old witnesses overheard saying, 'If all of 8th grade is missing tomorrow you will know why,' and a mother arrested for brandishing a handgun at another mom after a school bus incident between their daughters."


OUT FRONT — "Biden wants to fix building codes across the nation. Florida is already ahead of the pack," by Miami Herald's Alex Harris: "Miami-Dade County has some of the strongest building codes in the world, designed to withstand the punishing 150 mph winds of Category 5 storms like Hurricane Andrew, which hit 30 years ago and inspired the change. Now, President Joe Biden's administration wants the rest of the country to follow Miami-Dade's lead. On Wednesday, the first day of the 2022 hurricane season, the administration announced a new initiative to modernize building codes around the country."


AFTERMATH — "Woman who took rubber bullet to the face at Black Lives Matter rally sues Fort Lauderdale police," by South Florida Sun-Sentinel's Rafael Olmeda: "LaToya Ratlieff, the Delray Beach woman who was shot in the face with a rubber bullet fired by a Fort Lauderdale police officer during a Black Lives Matter protest in 2020, is suing the Broward city and several of its police officers, accusing them of using excessive force and causing her 'severe, painful, and permanent physical and emotional injuries.'"

GENTLE GIANTS — " Feds agree to review 'critical' manatee habitat as deaths pile up," by Tampa Bay Times' Zachary T. Sampson: "Federal wildlife officials have agreed to reconsider what parts of Florida are most important to the state's beloved manatees, which continue to die at alarming rates. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will propose an adjustment to its definition of 'critical habitat' for manatees, a threatened species, by mid-September 2024, according to an agreement with several environmental advocacy groups. The settlement will resolve the lawsuit those groups — the Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife and Save the Manatee Club — filed in federal court earlier this year."

NEW RULES — "'We led the charge.' Miami-Dade passes building safety reforms on heels of state changes," by Miami Herald's Ben Conarck: "Buildings taller than three stories in Miami-Dade County will fall under a newly tightened set of safety and inspection requirements after county commissioners unanimously passed the changes during a Wednesday afternoon hearing. The changes, which will, among other tweaks, require buildings to be inspected and recertified earlier in their lifespan — 30 as opposed to 40 years after construction — are the culmination of county-led safety reforms that began in the aftermath of the Champlain Towers South collapse, which killed 98 people nearly a year ago."

— "Will Keys boat captain face charges in parasail tragedy at bridge? 'It's possible,'" by's David Goodhue

— " SunRail, Brightline, Central Florida get key federal rail grant," by Orlando Sentinel's Kevin Spear

— "Florida has three cases of monkeypox, all in Broward County ," by South Florida Sun-Sentinel's Cindy Krischer Goodman

— "Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry praises Sheriff Mike Williams but takes no stance on legal questions," by Florida Times-Union's David Bauerlein and Dan Scanlan


— "'It's all about the kids': Florida high school raffles off assault rifles, handguns," by Tallahassee Democrat's Ana Goñi-Lessan: "A Florida high school raffled off guns and other weaponry through a month-long fundraising campaign that ended Wednesday. James Madison Preparatory High School in Madison, a charter school, raffled off fishing and hunting gear, including handguns, rifles and semi-automatic assault rifles, in a $100--per-ticket raffle that started May 2. The raffle went on largely unimpeded despite two horrific, national tragedies: mass shootings at a Buffalo supermarket and an elementary school in Texas that left nearly three dozen people dead last month."

BIRTHDAYS : Former state Rep. Mike Hill … Political analyst and consultant Chris Ingram


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