Thursday, January 7, 2021


Shia Kapos' must-read rundown of political news in the Land of Lincoln
Jan 07, 2021 View in browser
Illinois Playbook

By Shia Kapos

It's Thursday morning, Illinois. We're still reeling from phrases like "coup attempt," "the Capitol is secure" and "insurrection" being used to illustrate the situation in Washington, and not some far-off country.

EARLY MORNING NEWS: Congress finalized President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory early this morning. Certifying his win is the last step in the election process ahead of the Jan. 20 inauguration. This morning, President Donald Trump agreed to an "orderly transition" of power in a statement where he nonetheless continued to feed false narratives about the election process.


Trump supporters stormed the halls of the capitol Wednesday.

Trump supporters stormed the halls of the capitol Wednesday. | Getty-AFP Photo/Roberto Schmidt

Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Rep. Lauren Underwood are joining call for Donald Trump to be impeached and removed from office after Wednesday's siege on the nation's Capitol by the president's supporters.

"Two weeks is too long for Donald Trump to remain in office, where he can continue to incite more untold violence," Pritzker said in a statement. He called for redeploying Illinois State Police and other law enforcement resources at government buildings and the Capitol in Springfield.

In a separate statement, Underwood said: "Our democracy is at stake and we cannot wait until Inauguration Day to see him removed from office — it must be immediate."

There are reportedly even discussions among senior government officials about invoking the 25th Amendment, an unprecedented move to remove Trump from office during the waning days of his presidency.

Not one to criticize people who are loyal to him, Trump released a video calling his marching supporters "very special" while espousing falsehoods about a "stolen" election long after rioters breached the halls of Congress.

Speaking on the Senate floor last night, Dick Durbin, who is now poised to become the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman after Democrats won both contests in Georgia Wednesday, accused Trump of purposely inciting violence. The Capitol, he said, was "desecrated" by a mob "invited to come by this president on this day to disrupt the constitutional process."

POLITICO's congressional team describes the scene: from tear gas to guns drawn to lawmakers huddled in the House gallery as rioters roamed the halls banging on doors.

Not since 9/11 has such terror gripped the Capitol — and put a spotlight on the shortcomings of the Capitol Police, who were clearly caught flat-footed by the crisis. Along with the chaos, there were four deaths.

GOP Rep. Rodney Davis said the rioting and violence brought back painful memories of the congressional baseball shooting in Virginia in 2017. "Political violence of any kind is never acceptable and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," he said in a statement. So far, there have been only 13 arrests. "Political leaders, from Congress to the White House, have an obligation to be voices of reason and calming in times of national crisis. That time is now."

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs while serving in Iraq, sheltered in her office "fearful of letting anyone in," the Washington Post reported. She emerged only after hearing specific instructions yelled out by a senior officer.

Later, on the Senate floor, Duckworth told colleagues, "I've spent my entire adult life defending our democracy. But I never, never thought it would be necessary to defend it from an attempted violent overthrow in our nation's own Capitol Building." It was a theme hit on throughout the day by other military vets now serving in Congress.

People in the House gallery took cover as protesters tried to break in.

People in the House gallery took cover as protesters tried to break in. | AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Schneider and fellow Reps. Robin Kelly and Mike Quigley were trapped in the House gallery, reports Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet.

Quigley told WGN: "At different times, [officers] had us lay down, sit down, crouch with a gas mask on before we had to get out of there and they escorted us out through a series of tunnels." Like so many lawmakers, he called family — his wife and daughters — to let them know he was OK.

Lawmakers ultimately refused to be cowed by the protester and the invaders and returned late last night to finish what they set out to do: certify the results of the presidential election .

"To those who engaged in the gleeful desecration of this, our temple of democracy, justice will be done," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. In addition to the dirt left on her desk from the boot of a person who broke into her office amid Wednesday's chaos was a threatening note that read, "We will not back down."

Congress rejected the first challenge to Biden's win, report POLITICO's Kyle Cheney, Burgess Everett, Heather Caygle, Melanie Zanona and Sarah Ferris.

How they voted: Republican Reps. Mike Bost and Mary Miller voted in favor of the Arizona objection, and Reps. Darin LaHood, an avid Trump supporter, and Rodney Davis voted no. "Congress does not have, nor should we, the authority to take the power of electing a president away from the people. Overturning the results of the Electoral College would far exceed the power given to us in the Constitution, establish poor precedents, and usurp the will of the people," LaHood said in a statement.


The racial contradictions of Trump's 'law and order' mantra: "Police treatment of the Capitol rioters 'says a lot about who is an enemy combatant and who is not,'" by POLITICO's Sabrina Rodriguez, Maya King and Nolan D. McCaskill.

Bidenworld hopes Capitol chaos gives GOP a 'shock to the system': "Joe Biden and his allies have long argued that Republicans would eventually recognize the need to break from Donald Trump. They never imagined that Trump would make the case for them before he left office," write POLITICO's Natasha Korecki, Alice Miranda Ollstein and Megan Cassella.

Twitter, Facebook lock Trump's accounts in confrontation over Capitol breach posts: "Social media companies faced fresh calls to suspend or remove Trump amid Wednesday's unrest, which caused Capitol Hill to go into lockdown," by POLITICO's Cristiano Lima.

Trump loyalty disintegrates: "Wednesday's Capitol Hill riot will reverberate for years, shaping Trump's legacy and pushing Republicans to confront the GOP's future," by POLITICO's Gabby Orr, Anita Kumar and Meridith McGraw.

Duckworth and Durbin condemn Trump in floor speeches, by Tribune's Bill Ruthhart.


GET THE BIG PRE-INAUGURATION SCOOPS IN TRANSITION PLAYBOOK: Inauguration Day is quickly approaching. Is the Biden administration ready? Transition Playbook brings you inside the transition and newly forming administration, tracking the latest from Biden world and the transition of power. Written for political insiders, this scoop-filled newsletter breaks big news and analyzes the appointments, people and emerging power centers of the new administration. Track the transition and the first 100 days of the incoming Biden administration. Subscribe today.



Illinois Rep. Mary Miller told a crowd of protesters that

Illinois Rep. Mary Miller told a crowd of protesters that "Hitler was right on one thing." | Photo by Tom Williams/Getty Images

Republican Rep. Mary Miller has failed to apologize for invoking Hitler in a speech she gave at a rally Wednesday before the four-hour Capitol siege. Now her fellow members of Congress are issuing fierce rebukes, including calling for her resignation.

Miller was caught on tape speaking at a rally, where she said: "If we win a few elections, we're still going to be losing unless we win the hearts and minds of our children. This is the battle. Hitler was right on one thing. He said, 'Whoever has the youth has the future."

Rep. Jan Schakowsky told the Sun-Times, "I think she should resign. She definitely should be condemned."

In a statement, Illinois GOP Chairman Tim Schneider, said "That language is wrong and disgusting. We urge Congresswoman Miller to apologize." Miller has not.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who is Jewish, offered a stinging rebuke, calling Miller's comments are "unfathomable and disgusting." He added: "Let me be clear: Hitler got nothing right. This reprehensible rhetoric has no place in our politics… If Rep. Miller was the least bit interested in history, she would visit the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center to learn just how wrong Hitler really was."

Miller, a freshman who later in the day voted to object to Arizona's electoral vote for Joe Biden, did not return Playbook's requests for comment.

Other members of the delegation also were appalled. Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger tweeted: "I outright condemn this garbage." And from Democrats: Rep. Chuy Garcia said Miller's comment was "despicable." Freshman Rep. Marie Newman said Miller should be sanctioned. And Rep. Robin Kelly tweeted any elected official who quotes Hitler "has no business representing the people of IL — or any civilized people — for that matter."

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No official public events.


No official public events.

Where's Toni

At Stroger Hospital at 10 a.m. to watch healthcare workers receive the Covid-19 vaccination.


The Illinois Department of Public Health reported 129 new deaths Wednesday and 7,569 new confirmed and probable cases of the coronavirus. That's a total of 17,096 fatalities and 999,288 cases. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from Dec. 30 through Jan. 5 is 8.4 percent. Chicago's positivity rate is at 10.7 percent.


Pritzker lowers age limit for next phase of vaccine to 65: "Once efforts to inoculate health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities from COVID-19 are complete, Illinois residents 65 and older as well as essential workers will be eligible for the vaccine, Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced Wednesday," by WTTW's Heather Cherone.

Trump administration speeds up plan to deliver Covid shots in pharmacies: "The move comes after federal officials have faced fierce criticism for the slow pace of immunizations," by POLITICO's Rachel Roubein.


— Race for the gavel: Democratic Reps. Kathleen Willis and Ann Williams have made it official by throwing their hats in the ring for House speaker. They, along with House Speaker Michael Madigan and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, took part in the House Democratic Women's Caucus forum Wednesday. They spoke and took questions during a two-and-a-half hour gathering ahead of next week's House vote in Springfield on who will be speaker. "While the rest of the world was burning, we had a respectful and informational forum," said Rep. Deb Conroy, who heads the caucus. She said she's hopeful that will "set a tone for an open and respectful process" to elect the speaker of the House.

... Crain's Greg Hinz says in Williams, Madigan may "finally may be facing the major re-election opponent his foes have been looking for."

Illinois' 596 nature preserves need more than protection from development to thrive: "Acre by acre, a new conservation group is restoring the Prairie State's most precious natural resource — the prairie," reports WBEZ's Jerome McDonnell.

IHSA still wants to meet about sports start date, Pritzker says in due time: "After a quiet period over the holidays, things are heating up again between the Illinois High School Association and Gov. Pritzker's administration," by Sun-Times' Michael O'Brien.


A NEW YEAR MEANS A NEW HUDDLE IS HERE: Huddle, our daily congressional must-read, has a new author! Olivia Beavers took the reins this week, and she has the latest news and whispers from the Speakers' Lobby. Don't miss out, subscribe to our Huddle newsletter, the essential guide to all things Capitol Hill. Subscribe today.



CTU proposes extended school year and optional reopening until teachers are vaccinated: "The Chicago Teachers Union is proposing that Chicago Public Schools delay in-person learning until all employees have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and for the union and school district to develop a mutually agreed-upon schedule for an extended school year. In the meantime, the union proposes, CPS could allow in-person learning by pairing staff who opt in voluntarily with students who want to return. CPS officials have not responded to a Tribune inquiry about the proposal," by Tribune's Hannah Leone.

Aviation commissioner lobbies for increase in $4.50-a-head airline ticket tax: "During a virtual speech to the City Club of Chicago, Jamie Rhee said she's confident air travel will bounce back from the pandemic enough to justify the $8.7 billion O'Hare modernization plan," by Sun-Times' Fran Spielman.

Is an elected school board in sight? After years of fighting, advocates push state senators to pass 2019 bill, reports Block Club's Justin Laurence.

Supporters vouch for Father Pfleger: "A small but vocal group of supporters gathered in front of St. Sabina Church in Chicago's Auburn Gresham neighborhood on Wednesday to show support for Rev. Michael Pfleger, who is facing allegations of child sex abuse from more than 40 years ago. 'Many, many, many people who know him, who've been mentored by him, all step forward and say, This is not Father Michael Pfleger — this is not the man that we know,' said activist Ja'mal Green to a crowd of a dozen people," by WBEZ's Esther Yoon-Ji Kang

'Chicago P.D.' now helps viewers 'reimagine policing,' star LaRoyce Hawkins says: "The actor, who plays cop Kevin Atwater, says shooting the hit NBC show inside a pandemic "bubble" has brought him 'closer to the craft,'" by Sun-Times' Evan F. Moore.


Homeowners get clobbered by county property tax appeals board: "The Board of Review has largely reversed moves by the Cook County assessor to shift the tax burden from homeowners to businesses. So says a new report from the assessor himself," by Crain's Greg Hinz.


James Bennet, who was pushed out of the New York Times last year over publishing an opinion piece from Sen. Tom Cotton, is today's guest host for national Playbook : "LIKE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, the U.S. Capitol revealed itself on Wednesday to be far more vulnerable to attack than lawmakers, journalists or maybe even the Capitol Police imagined. Yet how could the Trump presidency possibly end any other way, with any less agonizing convulsion or any more fitting simile?"


Ossoff scores victory over Perdue in Senate runoff, by POLITICO's Quint Forgey

Biden to tap Illinois native Merrick Garland for attorney general, by POLITICO's Tyler Pager, Josh Gerstein and Kyle Cheney

Chuck Schumer finally breaks through, by POLITICO's Burgess Everett


Pat Mullane is now comms director for freshman Rep. Marie Newman. He previously worked as deputy press secretary for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and former Mayor Rahm Emanuel.


WEDNESDAY's ANSWER: Congrats to Chris Kanich, executive director of the 11th Ward IPO (Chicago), for correctly answering that Barack Obama and Franklin Pierce were the other two Democrats along with Joe Biden to win Kendall County.

TODAY's QUESTION: Who were the two authors of the 1981 ward map for Chicago City Council? Email your answer to


Ald. Silvana Tabares, businessman Tony Pritzker (the governor's brother) is 6-0, North Chicago Mayor Leon Rockingham, Montgomery County State's Attorney Bryant Hitchings, Cook County Circuit Court Judge Rosa Silva, Cicero Township Committeeperson Blanca Vargas, and Alex Milofsky, DCCC Midwest/South finance director.



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