Friday, December 4, 2020

POLITICO New Jersey Playbook: Booker, Menendez come out against ICE county jail contracts

Presented by AARP New Jersey: Matt Friedman's must-read briefing on the Garden State's important news of the day
Dec 04, 2020 View in browser
New Jersey Playbook

By Matt Friedman

Presented by AARP New Jersey

Good Friday morning!

After activists decried Hudson County's decision to renew a contract with ICE to hold inmates at the county jail, New Jersey's two U.S. senators are speaking out against it — as well other New Jersey local government inmate arrangements with ICE.

"No governmental entity in New Jersey should be accepting money from ICE to detain individuals, particularly when the agency continues to pursue inhumane, xenophobic policies designed to terrorize and rip apart immigrant families; it has to stop," Sen. Bob Menendez said in a statement late last night in response to questions about the policy.

This is a big deal. The Hudson County freeholder board last week voted to renew the contract for 10 years despite County Executive Tom DeGise saying two years ago that they would let it lapse this year. County jails in Essex and Bergen County — both controlled entirely by Democrats — also hold ICE inmates, as does a private facility in Elizabeth. The contracts have earned the counties millions in revenue, but have drawn more scrutiny during the Trump administration.

More Menendez : "As a former mayor, I understand the tremendous local fiscal and other challenges caused by the pandemic, but I do not believe taking blood money from ICE, to turn our jails into waystations for deportations for nonviolent, non-criminal immigration detainees, is consistent with our values nor is it in the best interests of our communities," Menendez said.

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker in a statement offered similar sentiments : "No private or government entity should be contracting with ICE. These arrangements too often incentivize locking up people who pose no risk to the public, and perpetuate dangerous and dehumanizing immigration enforcement tactics. I have long fought to align our immigration policies with our nation's core values, including introducing legislation that would end ICE detention contracts and ensure detained immigrants are treated fairly and with dignity. As New Jersey first confronted the COVID-19 public health emergency in the Spring, I fought to expand access to comprehensive health coverage for immigrants and move people out of detention centers when they do not pose a public safety risk."

The statements, which came in late last night, are substantially longer than what I've quoted here. I'll have more later today. Check in on our homepage here.

WHERE'S MURPHY? In Trenton for a 1 p.m. coronavirus press conference. Media: MSNBC at 7:45 a.m., WPIX at 8 a.m.

CORONAVIRUS TRACKER: 4,913 newly-reported cases for a total of 350,999. 64 more deaths for a total of 15,373 (and 1,836 presumed deaths). 3,292 in the hospital, 610 in intensive care.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Do I want to be in the minority again? I really don't have a burning desire to do that." — Assemblymember Ryan Peters (R-Burilngton) on the prospect of running for state Senate against Republican-turned-Democrat state Sen. Dawn Addiego. No word on whether Billie Joe Armstrong still wants to be in the minority.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Assemblymember Parker Space. Saturday for The Inky's Jessica Calefati, former state worker Rocco Riccio. Sunday for Princeton professor Julian Zelizer, former Assemblymember Joan Quigley, Open Door NJNY founder Luis Iza, Voorhees Deputy Mayor Jason Ravitz, Stockton University's Chris Howard


TRACK THE TRANSITION: President-elect Biden has started to form a Cabinet and announce his senior White House staff. The appointments and staffing decisions made in the coming days send clear-cut signals about Biden's priorities. Transition Playbook is the definitive guide to one of the most consequential transfers of power in American history. Written for political insiders, it tracks the appointments, people, and the emerging power centers of the new administration. Track the transition and the first 100 days of the incoming Biden administration. Subscribe today.


A message from AARP New Jersey:

Say no to continued higher electric rates. PSEG and Exelon want to extend the $300 million annual Nuke Tax for three more years, making struggling New Jerseyans pay nearly $1 billion more on their electric bills. It's time to end the Nuke Tax. Take action.


NEW JERSEYANS REMINDED HE HELD THIS POSITION — "Murphy stepping down as Democratic governors chair," by NJ Advance Media's Jonathan D. Salant: "Gov. Phil Murphy's time leading the Democratic Governors Association is coming to an end, but he will remain active in the organization as its finance chair. Murphy, who once served as finance chair of the Democratic National Committee, broke fundraising records at the governors' association, even as the coronavirus pandemic prevented him from traveling around the country raising money. Through Oct. 14, the most recent filings, Murphy raised $34.4 million for the association, compared with $28.3 million during the same period four years ago."

FAHL FROM GRACE — "Lambertville mayor, a former Murphy aide, accused of ethical lapses and graphic language," by The Record's Dustin Racioppi: "When her boss threw a chair in her presence in October 2016, Julia Fahl said it was one example of the 'toxic workplace issues' on Phil Murphy's campaign for governor. Four years later, Fahl faces similar accusations as the mayor of Lambertville. She frequently used graphic sexual language, kept an 'important political supporter' on the city's payroll, got involved in a project despite a conflict of interest and continually broke the state's Open Public Records Act, according to a lawsuit filed by Alex Torpey, a business administrator she fired earlier this year. 'Mayor Fahl's continued use of sexual and offensive language toward (Torpey) created an unlawful work environment,' said the lawsuit, which was filed against the city in Hunterdon County Superior Court in September."

BACK THAT OLD AZZ POLICY UP — "N.J. cops should only lock up juveniles as a last resort under new rules set by AG," by NJ Advance Media's Blake Nelson: "Cops and prosecutors should only lock up young people who have broken the law as a last resort, according to new rules issued Thursday that could decrease the already low number of juveniles detained in New Jersey. The 33-page directive from the state attorney general's office lists a variety of steps officials should take to keep minors in their communities, including allowing as many as possible to remain at home while awaiting trial."

UNEMPLOYMENT — " N.J. unemployment claims rise for first time in 6 weeks. 480K to lose benefits soon unless feds act,' by NJ Advance Media's Sophie Nieto-Munoz: "Unemployment benefits will expire for more than 480,000 residents at the end of the month if Congress does not renew or extend federal unemployment programs, according to the state Department of Labor. Residents who are independent contractors, can't work due to the coronavirus pandemic, or are receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) or Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PUEC) will see their benefits expire on Dec. 26. "

NICE —"2020 New Jersey Globe Power List," by New Jersey Globe's David Wildstein: "69. Matt Friedman."

—"Here's when COVID may peak in New Jersey. It could be earlier than initially expected"

—"NJ ranks 7th among states for wearing masks to curb COVID-19"

—"Remember the ballot tracker? N.J. residents are now starting to see whether their votes were counted"

—"NJ medical marijuana: What's next after judge rules dispensary licensing was flawed?"

—"Senate GOP wants small business aid in tax incentives bill"


BLUE CLUES — "NJ less divided? Blue counties got redder while red ones got bluer," by NJ 101.5's Michael Symons: "For all the talk of partisan polarization, New Jersey's presidential election map shows a state that's somewhat less divided than four years ago. Some of the bluest counties in New Jersey got redder, with President Donald Trump narrowing his margins by 6 percentage points in Hudson and Passaic counties. And some of the reddest counties got bluer, with President-elect Joe Biden improving on Hillary Clinton's 2016 margins by around 10 points in Sussex and Warren counties. Only two counties actually flipped parties: Gloucester and Morris, which backed Trump in 2016 but preferred Biden. So perhaps it's better to say some deeply Democratic blue and Republican red counties got a bit paler. Rider University political scientist Micah Rasmussen called the results, which will be certified by state officials next week, 'a microcosm of what we saw in the rest of the country.'"

AS A LINEMAN? — "Kornacki to make Sunday Night Football debut," by New Jersey Globe's NIkita Biryukov : "Don't tell Steve Kornacki to stick to sports, but don't tell him to avoid them either. The NBC News and MSNBC national political correspondent will take a step out of his usual role of breaking down competitive elections Sunday to break down the landscape as the NFL moves into its playoffs."

—"Pallone gets another term as Energy and Commerce chairman"


NEXT WEEK - DON'T MISS THE MILKEN INSTITUTE FUTURE OF HEALTH SUMMIT 2020: POLITICO will feature a special edition Future Pulse newsletter at the Milken Institute Future of Health Summit. The newsletter takes readers inside one of the most influential gatherings of global health industry leaders and innovators determined to confront and conquer the most significant health challenges. Covid-19 has exposed weaknesses across our health systems, particularly in the treatment of our most vulnerable communities, driving the focus of the 2020 conference on the converging crises of public health, economic insecurity, and social justice. Sign up today to receive exclusive coverage from December 7–9.


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SALEM CONSOLIDATION TRIALS — "N.J. county considers consolidating all 14 of its school districts into 1," by NJ Advance Media's Rob Jennings: "The Salem County freeholder board has agreed to pay the law firm — Morristown-based Porzio, Bromberg & Newman P.C. — up to $143,000 via a state grant to analyze the financial, educational and demographic impact of dissolving all 14 school districts in the county, something that has never happened in New Jersey … Freeholder Director Benjamin H. Laury said the Salem board, which does not have the authority to create a county-wide school district, expects to receive a report by the end of February. Dissolving a school district requires local approval under state law. 'We don't know what's going to become of it. We're neither in favor of it, or against it,' Laury told NJ Advance Media on Wednesday."

GREAT WAY TO DISPEL QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR LAW CREDENTIALS: CLAIM OBTAINING A PHONE NUMBER IS ILLEGAL — "Trenton city clerk files harassment report against Trentonian news reporter," by The Trentonian's Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman: "A government official has accused Trentonian news reporter Isaac Avilucea of illegal conduct.. . . City Municipal Clerk Matthew Conlon filed a police report last month accusing the award-winning journalist of harassment. Conlon approached Trenton Police several weeks ago and alleged Avilucea 'has been harassing him by contacting him multiple times through his personal phone number,' documents show. The clerk, according to his harassment report, says Avilucea 'illegally' obtained his personal cellphone number and residential address … The Trentonian first attempted to verify Conlon's credentials several weeks ago after the clerk threatened to sue Councilman-at-large Jerell Blakeley for questioning Conlon's law background. Blakeley during an Oct. 29 public session asked whether Conlon was a licensed member of the New Jersey bar, prompting the clerk to lash out in anger … Conlon waited until the Nov. 24 City Council meeting to prove his case in public ,... 'I don't want to make this personal with Mr. Conlon,' Avilucea said Wednesday, 'but he apparently wants to make it personal with me. He has a pattern and practice of being an antagonist in City Hall.'"

WILL STICK BE STRUCK WITH SUMMONS? — " 2 protesters file complaints against Hudson County Freeholder after alleged shove at his fundraiser," by The Jersey Journal's Joshua Rosario: "Two protesters say Hudson County Freeholder Anthony Romano shoved them Tuesday night as they protested his recent vote to continue jailing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees at the county jail. Amy Torres, 33, and Teresa Shen, 29, said they filed complaints with Hoboken police after Romano allegedly shoved them outside a fundraiser he was hosting at the Malibu Diner in Hoboken. Torres said they and Romano had arrived at the diner at around the same time. She said they were at the entrance of the tent and asked to speak with him. 'He pushed me and my friend really hard like she nearly fell backwards,' Torres said. 'He then kind of lurched again until another friend of ours stepped in.'"

ADDRESSING COMPLAINTS ABOUT TRANSPARENCY THAN WITH A NON-TRANSPARENT MEETING — "Lt. Gov. Oliver meets with Atlantic City officials to seek common ground ahead of likely takeover extension," by The Press of Atlantic City's David Danzis: "All nine members of City Council and the mayor participated in a virtual meeting Wednesday afternoon with Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver and other high-ranking members of the state Department of Community Affairs to find common ground as the various entities prepare for the inevitable extension of the state's direct oversight. The meeting — which was originally supposed to take place in November — was initiated by Oliver … The takeover is slated to end in 2021, but Oliver and other state lawmakers have indicated a desire to extend Trenton's oversight of the financially distressed seaside resort. Although the meeting was not open to the public, the absence of action or discussion of official city business meant the forum did not run afoul of the state's Open Public Meeting Act, according to multiple legal sources … Prior to Wednesday's meeting, several members of the city's governing body expressed a need to improve communication and transparency, especially if the state takeover was going to continue beyond its scheduled five-year expiration."

NEXT DISAGREEMENT COMING IN 2048 — " Ocean County freeholders reach compromise over Toms River land deal," by The Asbury Park Press' Erik Larsen: "A compromise was reached Wednesday evening by the Ocean County Board of Freeholders over a land deal with Toms River that two weeks earlier had divided the five-member, all-Republican panel for the first time in 28 years. Under the agreement, county taxpayers will purchase $1.8 million in municipal lands around the campus of Ocean County College and the perimeter of Cattus Island County Park, using existing funds from its 2020 capital budget."

EDA T — "Camden's first hotel in 50 years opens to optimism, hope for post-COVID future," by The Courier-Post's Phaedra Trethan: "There are reminders everywhere of the challenges facing the travel and hospitality industry at the new Hilton Garden Inn on the Camden Waterfront: signs urging social distancing, dispensers filled with hand sanitizer at most door and entryways; stickers to show rooms have been sanitized and sealed; plexiglas dividers at check-in kiosks. But there are also reminders of the optimism that the industry can come back, just as the hotel itself — the first hotel in Camden in more than 50 years — is a reminder of the optimism for a Camden comeback."

NOW WITH LESS FRAUD! — "What does Trump have to say about Paterson now? Disqualified mail-in ballots plummet," by The Paterson Press' Joe Malinconico: "The number of votes disqualified in November in Paterson plummeted in comparison to the massive ballot rejections during the city's May elections, according to a report released on Thursday. The Passaic County Board of Elections rejected about 570 Paterson ballots in November, compared to 3,274 in May, a reduction in disqualifications of more than 80%, the report showed. That decrease happened despite the fact that the number of votes cast in Paterson was more than twice as high in November as it had been in May. In May, about 20% of the ballots that were cast in Paterson were disqualified — a statistic cited by President Donald Trump in his tweets about election fraud. But the report released on Thursday showed that county officials rejected less than 2% of the ballots in the city in November."

—"Paterson pays $3K a month for a parking lot. But it's almost always completely empty"

—" Killer cop's 'domestic violence' known to his department prior to shooting"

—"Email scammer posing as mayor of [Gloucester Township], asking for gift cards, cops say"

—"At 96, is Tinton Falls Mayor Vito Perillo now the oldest in the U.S.?"

—"Newark wants to give $2M to developers to build permanent housing for homeless"

—" [Chatham] superintendent scolds parents for keeping quiet about kids with COVID-19, holiday travel"

—"Warren County firefighter claims chief sexually harassed her and no one did anything about it"


FTC: THE SACK AND THE WOOD MUST BE SEPARATE — "Hackensack, Englewood hospital merger in jeopardy as feds seek to block deal," by The Record's Scott Fallon : "[The] Federal Trade Commission said Thursday it is seeking to block Hackensack Meridian Health's acquisition of Englewood Healthcare, arguing the merger would eliminate competition and result in higher medical costs for patients. The FTC filed an administrative complaint and plans to file a lawsuit in federal court because the merger would allow Hackensack Meridian to demand higher rates from insurers which could lead to higher premiums, co-pays, deductibles and other costs for patients, the agency said. 'The transaction would also remove the competitive pressures that have driven these hospitals to invest in quality improvements to the benefit of patients,' Ian Conner, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition, said in a statement. In a joint statement, executives from Hackensack Meridian and Englewood said they would 'vigorously defend' the merger in court."

—"New Jersey 7th in the U.S. for mask-wearing amid COVID-19 pandemic, according to study"

—" COVID-19 outbreak at Palisades Medical Center prompts ER diversions, patient transfers"

—"NJ customers off the hook for cleanup at Three Mile Island reactor site"

—" 'Sopranos' prequel, 'The Many Saints of Newark,' to be released on cable"


A message from AARP New Jersey:

New Jersey utilities want electric customers to continue boosting the profits of their nuclear plants. The Nuke Tax costs customers $300 million each year. Now PSEG and Exelon want to extend the tax three more years, costing customers nearly $1 billion more.

It's time to end the nuclear tax. Many New Jerseyans and small businesses are struggling just to keep the lights on. They can't afford another three-year Nuke Tax just to increase the profits of an already profitable energy company. Take action to end the Nuke Tax.


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