Friday, December 4, 2020

Final defense bill released — National Guard Covid funding extended — Flournoy gets more support on Capitol Hill

Presented by Northrop Grumman: Delivered daily by 10 a.m., Morning Defense examines the latest news in defense policy and politics.
Dec 04, 2020 View in browser
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By Bryan Bender

Presented by Northrop Grumman

With Connor O'Brien

Editor's Note: Morning Defense is a free version of POLITICO Pro Defense's morning newsletter, which is delivered to our subscribers each morning at 6 a.m. The POLITICO Pro platform combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day's biggest stories. Act on the news with POLITICO Pro.

Quick Fix

The final defense policy bill calls for removing Confederate names from bases and limits options for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

President Trump extended federal funding for National Guard coronavirus deployments but states will still have to cover 25 percent.

Michèle Flournoy gets another boost from liberal Democrats, including Rep. Anthony Brown on the Armed Services Committee.

HAPPY FRIDAY AND WELCOME TO MORNING DEFENSE, where we want to say both "tsk tsk" and "atta boy" to the former staff of the Chicago Tribune and Washington Herald who on this day in 1941 published the top-secret plan to invade Nazi-occupied Europe when debate was still raging in Congress over whether the U.S. should enter the war against the Axis Powers (and just days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor). Who was responsible for "The Big Leak?" Was it an anti-war dissident inside the Pentagon? Or was it FDR? We're always on the lookout for tips, pitches and feedback. Email us at, and follow on Twitter @bryandbender, @morningdefense and @politicopro.


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We provide powerful, scalable networks and integrated capabilities that ensure warfighters and the systems they depend on can act as one joint force across every domain, service and mission. Learn more

On the Hill

NDAA BOXES IN TRUMP: Final defense policy legislation unveiled Thursday would spur the renaming of Army bases that honor Confederates and place guardrails on President Donald Trump's plans to pull troops from Germany and Afghanistan.

House and Senate Armed Services leaders from both parties clinched a final deal on the National Defense Authorization Act on Wednesday. The $741 billion bill H.R. 6395 (116) is slated for votes in the House and Senate in the coming days, but the measure faces an uncertain fate amid a White House veto threat.

Trump has twice threatened to veto the bill. The first came over the summer over base renaming provisions, and the second came on Tuesday over his insistence that the legislation repeal social media legal protections.

Lawmakers didn't include a repeal of the online shield law, known as Section 230, in the final bill. It's unclear whether Republicans will buck Trump and override a veto; both the House and Senate passed their original bills with veto-proof majorities.

Within the budget topline, the bill authorizes $635.5 billion for the base Pentagon budget and $26.6 billion for nuclear programs under the Energy Department. Another $69 billion goes toward the war-related Overseas Contingency Operations account.

When's the vote? Aides say they expect the House to go first with a vote Monday or Tuesday and for the Senate to follow.

Further reading: Bill text | Joint explanatory statement | HASC summary

Other highlights:

Renaming bases: Lawmakers kept a Senate-backed provision that would task an independent commission with recommending the removal of names, symbols and monuments from military assets that honor the Confederacy or people who served in it. The panel's recommendations must be implemented within three years.

Germany drawdown: The bill takes aim at Trump's effort to remove thousands of U.S. troops from Germany. It would bar the Pentagon from reducing U.S. troop levels below 34,500 until 120 days after it submits a detailed analysis to Congress of the impact of the move on the security situation in Europe.

Afghanistan withdrawal: The NDAA also would bar funding for reducing of troops in Afghanistan below two levels — 4,000, or the total number of troops on the date the bill becomes law if the number is lower, and 2,000 — until the Pentagon submits an assessment of the effect the drawdown would have on U.S. counterterrorism efforts, risks to American personnel and on the risk of expanding terrorist havens, among other criteria.

Weapons: The bill authorizes 93 Lockheed Martin-built F-35 fighters, 14 more than the Pentagon requested.

Lawmakers also authorized $23.4 billion for the Navy to build nine warships, $3.5 billion more than the budget request. The bill includes a second Virginia-class attack submarine that the Trump administration didn't request in its initial budget, but which topped the Navy's list of unfunded priorities.

Pacific Deterrence Initiative: The measure authorizes a Pacific Deterrence Initiative to beef up U.S. military posture and deter China in the region and sets aside $2.2 billion for the fund.

Nixing the CMO: The bill eliminates the post of Pentagon chief management officer upon the date of enactment and requires the defense secretary to transfer the CMO's duties to other Pentagon officials within a year of the legislation becoming law.

Military gear to cops: Negotiators adopted provisions that would place certain restrictions on transfers of surplus military gear to civilian law enforcement, known as the 1033 program. It prohibits police from obtaining bayonets, grenades, weaponized tracked combat vehicles and weaponized drones.

The final bill also would require federal law enforcement officers and members of the armed forces or National Guard deployed in response to public protests to visibly display their name and agency on their uniform.

Turkey sanctions: The bill also requires the administration to levy sanctions on Turkey for operating the Russian S-400 air defense system over U.S. objections.

No nuke testing: The final bill stripped a provision that was in the Senate version to set aside at least $10 million to prepare for a resumption of live nuclear tests, which the U.S. has not conducted in three decades. But it also left out a House provision that would bar any funds from being used for the purpose.

Related: Final defense bill creates a national cyber director, despite White House opposition, via POLITICO's Martin Matishak.

More NDAA reading: Final NDAA drops energy, PFAS provisions, expands pipeline sanctions , via POLITICO's Anthony Adragna, Eric Wolff and Annie Snider.

Also: Chinese drone ban struck from final NDAA bill, via POLITICO's Stephanie Beasley.

COMMITTEE MUSICAL CHAIRS: House Democrats and Republicans approved new leaders of key committees on Thursday. Democrats selected Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut to chair the Appropriations Committee over Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida. Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York won out over Rep. Joaquín Castro of Texas to chair the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

House Republicans also ratified their slate of committee ranking members, including Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama to be the top GOP member on the Armed Services Committee in the new Congress.


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White House

GUARD FUNDING EXTENDED: Trump on Thursday approved requests from nearly every state to extend federal funding for the National Guard's Covid-19 relief work until the end of March. The authorization had been set to expire at the end of the year, POLITICO's Alice Miranda Ollstein reports.

The White House, however, denied requests for full federal funding and will instead require most states to continue picking up 25 percent of the tab. Florida and Texas, which had received a special carveout from the cost-sharing this year — prompting accusations of political favoritism — will be cut back to 75 percent federal funding after Dec. 31.

Related: Defense bill seeks to bolster military's pandemic response, via Roll Call.

Transition 2020

FLOURNOY GETS NEW ENDORSEMENTS: Reps. Anthony Brown of Maryland and Marc Veasey of Texas, both members of the Congressional Black Caucus, threw their support behind Michèle Flournoy to be the next defense secretary and the first women to hold the post.

"Ms. Flournoy has a deep understanding of the structure, organization, and operation of the Pentagon and has served our nation with honor for decades," The Democrats argued in a letter to President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday and obtained by POLITICO. "During her service in both the Clinton and Obama Administrations she demonstrated her ability to lead, capacity to manage the bureaucracy at the Pentagon and her strong relationships with both uniformed and civilian leaders at the Department of Defense."

Brown, a retired Army colonel, is vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee and the only member of the CBC on the panel. Veasey is a former member of the panel. As House members, the pair won't have a vote in confirming Biden's Cabinet picks.

The endorsement follows reports this week that some members of the Congressional Black Caucus have urged Biden to select a Black nominee for defense secretary . Over the past week, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin have emerged as candidates to be the first Black defense secretary.

Related: There should be no doubt about Michele Flournoy for defense secretary, via Defense News.

And: Kamala Harris taps ex-diplomat to be her national security adviser, via Foreign Policy.


A message from Northrop Grumman:

In modern missions, communication and coordination is always a challenge – and getting it right can mean the difference between mission success and failure. At Northrop Grumman, we've been taking on this challenge for decades and the result is a scalable, adaptable suite of joint all-domain command and control networks and capabilities. Our products ensure the entire joint force, from troops to weapons systems can act as one across every mission and military service. Because tomorrow's mission success depends on acting as one. Learn more about how we're enabling the joint force.

Top Doc

'A DEEPER RETHINKING': The Quincy Institute, the year-old think tank dedicated to military restraint, is out with a new blueprint for the Biden administration outlining a substantial overhaul of U.S. foreign policy.

"Marginal adjustments to the current approach will prove insufficient," it says. "A deeper rethinking of American foreign policy is warranted."

It calls on Biden to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by May 2021 and draw down the military presence elsewhere in the region. But it also says it is time to "normalize relations with Iran."

"As a first step, Biden should clearly signal his intent to establish constructive ties with Iran and float the idea of normalizing relations," it says. "Such a step would not cost the United States leverage or enable Iran to pocket a concession." And it also calls for an immediate return to the Iran nuclear deal.

As for China, the blueprint calls on the administration to "expand climate change and public health cooperation" with Beijing and "reduce military tensions in the Taiwan Strait and negotiate maritime agreements with China."


TUNE IN TO OUR GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS PODCAST: The world has long been beset by big problems that defy political boundaries, and these issues have exploded in 2020 amid a global pandemic. Global Translations podcast, presented by Citi, unpacks the roadblocks to smart policy decisions and examines the long-term costs of the short-term thinking that drives many political and business decisions. Subscribe for Season Two, available now.

Speed Read

Milley projects DoD budget 'bloodletting' to fund Navy: Breaking Defense

Hill, DoD must change relations for faster space acquisition: Breaking Defense

Covert action, congressional inaction: Foreign Affairs

The blob is back and it's ready for war: The American Conservative

U.S. designated four more companies as controlled by Chinese military: Bloomberg

China is national security threat No. 1, by John Ratcliffe: The Wall Street Journal

He escaped death as a kamikaze pilot. 70 years later, he told his story: The New York Times


NEXT WEEK - DON'T MISS THE MILKEN INSTITUTE FUTURE OF HEALTH SUMMIT 2020: POLITICO will feature a special edition Future Pulse newsletter at the Milken Institute Future of Health Summit. The newsletter takes readers inside one of the most influential gatherings of global health industry leaders and innovators determined to confront and conquer the most significant health challenges. Covid-19 has exposed weaknesses across our health systems, particularly in the treatment of our most vulnerable communities, driving the focus of the 2020 conference on the converging crises of public health, economic insecurity, and social justice. Sign up today to receive exclusive coverage from December 7–9.


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