Saturday, October 17, 2020

Working With FlipCharts

My Barchart Member Tips: 3 of 8

Using FlipCharts to Analyze Data Tables

You've probably noticed the "FlipCharts" link at the top of all our data table pages. Unique to our site, FlipCharts turn a list of symbols into a "Chart Book" where each symbol in the table is a "page" in the book.

Using Flipcharts to view symbols on a table

FlipChart features include:

  • A "navigator" at the top that allows you to scroll back and forth through the charts on the page, or use of arrow on either side to move forward and backward.
  • Ability to set a default FlipCharts Template in your Site Preferences (your favorite aggregation, bar type, studies), and to quickly change the template chart-to-chart
  • Ability to add a symbol you see on a FlipChart directly to your Watchlist
  • "Pop out" any FlipChart to a new full-sized browser window for further analysis.
  • FlipCharts can use "Technical" or "Interactive" charts ... set in your Site Preferences

Using FlipCharts, you are able to analyze Today's 100% Buy Signals, or Most Active Futures Contracts tables by viewing each symbol's historical data in chart format without leaving the page.

Learn more about this free Membership feature by viewing a FlipCharts Tutorial here:


Questions? Email Our Service Department is available Monday-Friday from 7a - 5p CT to assist.

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