This is your absolutely last chance to join the Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge. There will be no more extensions after this. We all know professional procrastinators. You know, those people who constantly put stuff off. Who always have some new plan in the works to improve their health, their finances, their work, their friendships, their relationships. I'm ready to settle down…soon. I'm ready to start eating better…after the holidays. I'm ready to start exercising…once the equipment comes in. I'm ready for my next big project…I just have to do something else first. We know these people because we are these people. We all want to live better, think better, be better. Most of us even know what to do—but somehow, somehow, we still don't do it. Epictetus, the great Stoic philosopher, cuts through the excuses with a single question: "How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?" How about right now? The 2025 Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge started a couple days ago, but we extended registration until tonight at midnight. Why? Because we watched as people struggled to not procrastinate on a deadline as clear cut as the turning over of a new year. But who amongst us has not put something off? And how often have we benefited from the grace of a little extra time or an understanding friend or partner who shrugs it off—because they're just happy to see us? Well, here we are. This is that grace. This is that extra little time to sneak in under the wire. Today is your absolute last chance to kick off 2025 with thousands of Stoics all over the world, challenging themselves to prepare for the challenges of the year ahead. Take advantage of this last chance to join us in the Daily Stoic New Year, New You Challenge. There will be no more extensions. If you join now, you'll get everything: ✔️ Access to all the content ✔️ Participation in live Q&As ✔️ Support to help you catch up—and keep going But the window is closing. Fast. Time is running out to become the person you've been promising yourself you'd be. Stop waiting. Stop talking. Start doing. Take control of your 2025—because this is your year, but only if you make it so. Join us now. Don't wait for the clock to strike midnight. *** |
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