The Fed is facing intense criticism right now...

And their response could be just what the crypto market needs right now.

The recent jobs report showed an economy on the brink of massive recession. And hopes of a "soft landing" with inflation are fading fast.

Which is why many experts believe the Fed is about to make an emergency rate cut.

This is something that has happened just 9 times in the last 30 years...

And if it happens, it could pump crypto prices right back up to the $70,000s.

It's a BIG potential profit opportunity — especially for certain hot altcoins down 25% or more.

That's why this Thursday at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern, I'm going live to reveal a strategy that can make quick 100%+ gains the more volatile the crypto market is.

As you can imagine, it's PERFECT for the market right now.

I'm also going to breakdown the fed's possible next moves... plus some other little-known opportunities for big gains in the crypto market right now while volatility is sky-high!

Thursday's broadcast is free but to watch you must register right now:

Register for "My Strategy for Quick 100%+ Gains in this Volatile Market" now (free registration ends soon).

These kinds of crazy moments are make or break for investors.

Either you make logical moves based on real cutting-edge information, or follow your emotions off a cliff.

I side with the best investors in the world by choosing the first option.

And on Thursday (provided you register for free now), I'll show you how to do the same, step-by-step.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


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