I'm a long-time reader of the Wall Street Journal...

And I don't know if I EVER expected them to write something like this!

In fact, I would rate the article they just published on crypto as "super bullish"...

As it shares in step-by-step detail how cryptocurrency could save one of the USA's most challenging problems today.

And since this problem is urgent — and requires an urgent solution — I believe this could be very positive for the market as word spreads.

You have an opportunity to "get in early" right now while prices are still low...

Which is why this Thursday at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern, I'm going live to share this article and its implications...

Plus show you how to find the altcoins in the market right now that are at low prices, but could really benefit from this news!

Thursday's broadcast is free but to watch you must register right now:

Register for free for "What to Do Now for Record Breaking Crypto Gains this Summer" (free registration ends soon).

See you on Thursday!

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


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