Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The biggest lie in the trading space?

Hey Trader,

The biggest lie in the trading space is that anyone can get great results trading with a small amount of capital.

The reality is that the less trading capital you have… 

The harder it is to make solid returns and the better trader you need to be.

Imagine this scenario…

We have trader A with a $100k account and trader B with a $10k account.

They're both targeting the same trade and are looking to make $350 out of it.

They both allocate 10% of their capital towards the trade. 

Trader A puts $10k in, and trader B puts $1000 in.

In order for trader A to make $350 on this trade, he only needs to get a 3.5% ROI. 

3.5% out of 100,000 is $350.

…While trader B needs to make a 35% ROI on the trade. 

35% out of 1000 is $350.

What do you think is easier to make, 3.5% or 35% ROI?

Obviously 3.5% right!?

See my point?

The more capital you have the easier it is to make profits.

The problem is…

How are you going to get that amount of trading capital?

That's precisely what I and our very own Brian Short - who trades with 24 funded accounts that amount to $1.2M in trading capital - will share in tomorrow's workshop.

You should click the link below to register:

>> Unlock $50K-$250K Funded Accounts: Day Trading Breakthrough with Zero Personal Risk (30 Minutes/Day)

If you want to generate a solid side income that can quickly scale…
While trading stress-free because you're not risking your hard-earned savings…

And without having to become an absolute trading expert in a short period of time (because the big budget allows you to generate great profits from small returns)...

Then you can't miss this workshop.

I'll see you there!

Mark Soberman


FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT ADVICE. NetPicks Services are offered for educational and informational purposes only and should NOT be construed as a securities-related offer or solicitation or be relied upon as personalized financial advice. We are not financial advisors and cannot give personalized advice.  There is a risk of loss in all trading, and you may lose some or all of your original investment. Results presented are not typical.  Please review the full risk disclaimer:  https://www.netpicks.com/risk-disclosure
  This email was sent to edwardlorilla1986.paxforex@blogger.com by info@netpicks.com

16211 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite A6A #295, Scottsdale, AZ 85254


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