Wednesday, May 10, 2023

I Need Your Input On This Today!

Please help settle this debate

Hey it's Chuck Hughes and I need your help.

Traditionally trading has been a male-dominated field.

But these days more and more of our success stories are coming from ladies.

Like this one* from Dr. Dawn...


"Last year, thanks to Chuck Hughes, I made more than $181,000 trading options. He's the only one I trust to help me make good trading decisions, especially in these turbulent times.

Before I found Chuck I kept putting money into my 401k only to see it dwindle every time the market took another turn. And I really didn't like that.

So, when the covid lock-down crippled my chiropractic practice I decided to try my hand at trading ETFs. But I had no real direction and got absolutely pummeled.

Then I joined Chuck's alert service and finally started making money. For example, September 21st we bought QQQ calls for 50 cents and sold them a week later for $7.

Making $650 per contract in a matter of days is pretty exciting, you know?

Last year I made more money from trading than I did from doctoring."

Dr. Dawn O.


Now of course I need to mention that Dawn's story is not typical and we can't guarantee similar results. And keep in mind, trading incurs risk including the risk of loss.

But I wanted to share Dawn's story because I need your help to settle a friendly debate we're having at the headquarters.

I'm getting ready to send out my next Weekly Options Alert. This is the exact same program that Dawn joined.

And I don't see your name on the distribution list.

So that got me curious. And it started a small debate in our headquarters. Maybe we should feature more of our female success stories?

Or should we focus more on our male success stories? I'm curious to know what you think.

Call Brad In My Trading Office
At 1-310-647-5664 - That's His Direct Line

Brad will explain exactly how the program works. And he can share more success stories from others - both male and female traders - who've joined the program.

And - if you qualify - I'm even giving him the "green light" to waive the standard $3,000 enrollment fee.**

I've found that the single most important characteristic of a good trader is someone who TAKES ACTION, so that's why I want you to prove to me that you are capable of taking immediate action.

Pick up the phone right now and call Brad at 1-310-647-5664. This call could change your life.

Always in your corner,
Chuck Hughes
Chuck Hughes

* Successful cases do not guarantee any typical or similar results. Trading is risky, and you may lose money. Not all members report their earnings to us. Testimonials may be unsolicited and in some cases unverified. We rely on representations and any documentation voluntarily provided by the reviewer.

** Weekly Options Alert program provides training package and specific trade signals for one year. First 10 people to sign up each day this offer is valid will get a waiver of the standard fee, which is the price charged to anyone signing up after the first 10 people per day. Additional costs apply to different programs.

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DISCLAIMER: Auto-trading, or any third-party directed type of trading, is not supported or endorsed by Legacy Publishing LLC ("Legacy"). For additional information on auto-trading, you may visit the SEC's website: All About Auto-Trading. The information provided by Legacy Trading Services, newsletters and educational publications ("Services") is not customized or personalized to any particular risk profile or tolerance. Nor is the information published by Legacy a customized or personalized recommendation to buy, sell, hold, or invest in particular financial products. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please note that results may not be typical and can vary from person to person. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock and options market, including the total loss of your investment. Any investment is at your own risk. You should only trade or invest your "risk capital" – money you can afford to lose.

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TradeWins Publishing Corp.528 North Country Rd.St. James, NY 11780

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