Tuesday, December 6, 2022

I’m finally releasing this after 20 years

This is the bedrock of my personal investing approach

On December 8th, I am finally holding the workshop that I've kept to myself for over 20 years.

In that time, I've often been asked what strategy I most rely on… or what the "core" of my own investing relies on…

And I can tell you - without a doubt - the Income Loop is the bedrock of my personal investing approach.

I believe in using multiple strategies and always will, but the Income Loop represents over 80% of my own investing.

This is the strategy I'd leave to my grandkids

Since 1997, I've been showing people ways to get an edge in the market - most of them revolving around income techniques. But I've never put everything together in one, masterful presentation until now.

On December 8th, I am going to give you the complete portfolio approach I most rely on. All the nitty gritty details!

And I'll even stick around to answer your questions when you join me for the live workshop.

If you've never had a confident, resilient way to build your portfolio and generate cash flow, this may be the most important class you ever attend.

So join me LIVE on December 8th and bring something to take notes with…

I'll see you there!!

Jack Carter

P.S.: You'll see this exact same message when you sign up. Read it again. It's that important to me, and I can't wait to see you on Thursday.


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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