Hey there,
Have you ever found yourself wondering what you could do if you only had more time?
Well, you're not alone. The majority of people find themselves wondering what they could accomplish if they only had a few hours.
Maybe you'd pick up a new hobby, get ahead at work, get 8 hours of sleep, or tackle that home improvement project you've been thinking about for months.
The hard part isn't what you would do, though, is it? It's figuring out how you can get the time to do it.
That's where I come in - so let me introduce myself.
Hi. I'm Emma Chieppor and I'm the founder of Excel Dictionary.
I landed my first job fresh out of school – and then Covid hit, and long gone were the days spent in an office surrounded by coworkers. I found myself, like the rest of the world, sitting in my room, trying to navigate a totally new world.
That's when the flurry of complex excel tasks started hitting my inbox – and I began to panic. There was no one next to me to ask, I didn't want to bother my boss…so I did the only thing I could.
Spent every waking moment learning what I didn't know.
Over the year that followed, I learned everything I could find about Excel – and how to best use it to my advantage. From blogs to Youtube videos, I traced down every piece of Excel education I could, and I grew my skill set.
Over that year though, it wasn't just my Excel skills that improved. My confidence and outlook did too. I stopped dreading going to work and started to feel excited about the work I was doing. And that's when I decided that it was time for me to share what I had learned with other professionals.
I took the best pieces I learned and worked to make them accessible and easy to understand (so no one will have to search every corner of the internet like I did).
And from it, my Excel Dictionary course was born.
This course will teach you all my favorite Excel productivity and shortcut tips but really, my goal is to help you take back your time. By turning hours of work into minutes
And with these Excel tips, you'll be able to clear your to-do list and get to what you actually want to do.
This course is launching soon, but right now, you can join the waitlist and get access to the lowest price I'll ever offer this product. But time is running out!
Click here to join the waitlist and lock in your discounted rate today.