Sunday, August 28, 2022

Charles Payne Market Bombshell Announcement

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An Urgent Message For American Investors
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ebook Dear Reader,

​ Please pay close attention to this urgent message…

Household debt just topped $16 trillion for the first time. Ever!

Credit card balances reached the highest levels in more than two

decades. Inflation surged to 9.1% – a new 40-year high.

And prices on everything keep rising at alarming rates.

Despite the doom and gloom, there is a simple way for investors like you to learn how you could…

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  • Increase your personal income… ​ ​
  • Hedge against portfolio losses and… ​ ​
  • Target positive returns in any market. ​ ​
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​ It's all possible by intelligently using… Options.

My Unstoppable Prosperity Team will show you how in our new Free

Online Training Event…

The Power of Options.

The next training event is being held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM EDT.

I strongly recommend you attend and see everything for yourself.

Because in a bad economy – with an unpredictable market – pro investors turn to simple options strategies to reduce risk and generate cash flow.

These same strategies work for everyone else too.

You just need to know what they are and how to use them.

Which is exactly what you'll find out during The Power of Options live event.

Click Here To RSVP…

Charles Payne ​

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