Last week, we finally got a potential date for the big Ethereum 2.0 Merge update... 

And the price of Ethereum rose almost 30%.

Experts do not believe this is a coincidence, and are even calling this pump the first "Merge trade". Meaning, it's the first time prices have spiked as a result of this big upcoming update. 

I expect there to be many more spikes in the near future relating to this update...

Which is why many of the top experts in crypto today believe the Merge will skyrocket Ethereum over $10,000.

But should you buy Ethereum right now?

We are entering the most important week for crypto in all of summer...

And big news is about to break that could either spike crypto prices or cause them to plummet.

That's why this Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific, I'm going live to share whether you should buy, sell, or hold crypto right now.

It's perfect timing, because many of the most important events this week happen on Thursday...

And the other major events happen on Friday.

So you'll get to-the-minute recommendations and perspective on exactly what you should do right now. Which is why I recommend you wait until Thursday's broadcast to make any major moves in the market right now.

Thursday's event is totally free, but you must register for it now by clicking or tapping this button:

Yes! Sign Me Up For Thursday's Critical "Buy, Sell, or Hold" Webinar!

The big events later this week are going to catch most investors off guard... 

Make sure to register now so you're not one of them!

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

If you're not interested in this week's critical crypto webinar, use the link below and I will stop sending you information about it.


You'll still remain on our list to keep receiving other complimentary crypto information and resources. 

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