Tuesday, December 22, 2020

So Long, 2020

So Long, 2020

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~ Oprah Winfrey

We're calling it a year here at Further. And here's to you taking time to finish 2020 on your terms, as well.

Hopefully no surprises happen in the remaining days that add to the crazy we've already experienced this year. But I'm guessing none of us are willing to place bets on that.

No matter what happens in 2021, this past year has changed us. Hopefully we're more resilient and adaptable, while maintaining hope for a brighter future of our own making. Because it is, without doubt, up to us.

So whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Festivus, make it as joyous and jovial as possible. We'll be back on January 6 to help you keep going to higher levels in 2021.

Here are a few interesting items to tide you over with cheer until then. And of course we need to visit Hollis, Queens in the Flashback before we sign off.

Rumination Nation

Just because you might prefer to drive a spike into your ear than hear the theme song from Frozen again, doesn't mean you shouldn't let it go. "We found that if you really want a new idea to come into your mind, you need to deliberately force yourself to stop thinking about the old one," says Marie Banich, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at CU Boulder.

Whether it's 2020 or Baby Shark: Study Offers Clues on How to Stop Thinking About It

Better than a Kind Bar

Research shows that spending money on other people (even if it's a stranger) makes you happier than spending money on yourself. Further, studies show that volunteering correlates with a 24% lower risk of early death -- about the same as eating six or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Why Being Kind to Others is Good for Your Health

Tech Tok

"While we may not yet know if another Shakespeare found their muse during the current pandemic, plenty of people found their creative spark thanks to technology, with librarians, artists, and even epidemiologists using the tools at hand not just to distract from the tedium of lockdown, but to put forth new approaches to how we learn and connect with each other."

How the Pandemic Inspired Creative Uses of Technology in 2020

Don't be a Normie

If you think things are going back to "normal" in 2021 or any subsequent year, I've got some bad news. Better to realize and accept that there is no normal, and there never really was.

There Is No Such Thing as Normal -- So Stop Waiting for It

Keep going-

Brian Clark


Run-DMC - Christmas In Hollis Run-DMC - Christmas In Hollis
A Very Special Christmas, 1987
Christmas In Hollis is featured in that heartwarming Christmas classic, Die Hard. John McClane: "Don't you have any Christmas music?" Argyle: "This is Christmas music!" (YouTube)


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