Saturday, November 14, 2020

MJ Industry Making A Comeback... Or Is It?


Dear Edward Lance lorilla,

It is long overdue that I talk about the MJ industry…

The cannabis industry that was once "the next big thing" and pulled billions of investors' hard-earned dollars across numerous IPOs flopped...bad over the years!

The ecstatic media went silent and the stocks went into oblivion.

However, after the most recent pop, some believe this once left-for-dead industry could be resurrected.

While these stocks have been in a steep downtrend for more than two years as every pop got sold and every new low was soon followed by another one.

With Joe Biden elected president, you better believe back to hearing everyone and their brother brag about how they purchased cannabis stocks.

But is there data to support this industry could rebound and reclaim their highs back in 2018?

Click here to continue reading…


JC Parets

P.S. Kyle Dennis is allowing a select group of traders to trial his Fast 5 Trades Program for just $1 per week, for three months. The next 500 people will be able to claim this exclusive offer. Don't miss out, I'm hearing spots are running out fast!

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