Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Stella Spoils 10.28.20

Rise & Conquer   |   To The Victor Go The Spoils   |   View this email in your browser
W E D N E S D A Y   1 0 . 2 8 . 2 0
W H O   W E ' R E    F O L L O W I N G


Zanzibar, Tanzania


Canyon Point, Utah

W H A T    W E ' R E    E Y E I N G
Through the harmonization of European traditional glassmaking techniques and Japanese artistry, Hiroto Glass–founded in 1899–has forged a name for themselves as one of the pioneers of Japanese Glassware. From their display-worthy collection, this Whisky Glass Set is made with only the finest materials by highly-skilled artisans and is designed to make sipping your every pleasure. Sets available below in Amber or Clear.
W H A T    W E ' R E    L I S T E N I N G    T O
W H A T    W E ' R E    R E A D I N G

It was June 14, 1995, inside the Senate chamber in Washington, D.C., and Jim Exon, a 74-year-old Democrat from Nebraska with silver hair and glasses, had begun his address to his colleagues with a prayer written for this occasion by the Senate chaplin. He was there to urge his fellow senators to pass his and Indiana senator Dan Coats’ amendment to the Communications Decency Act, or CDA, which would extend the existing indecency and anti-obscenity laws to the “interactive computer services” of the burgeoning internet age. “Now, guide the senators,” Exon continued his prayer, “when they consider ways of controlling the pollution of computer communications and how to preserve one of our greatest resources: The minds of our children and the future and moral strength of our Nation. Amen.”

C O P Y    &    S H A R E    Y O U R    I N V I T E    L I N K    O N    F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W    U S

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