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Monday, October 14, 2024
I just feel like...there are things you just don't do to food 🤢
Happy Monday!
Recently, I went to a local Asian supermarket and it's actually wild how the same snacks we have here in the US will have totally different (and better) flavor overseas. Like Asia is really winning with the lamb-flavored Lays and matcha Oreos. Meanwhile, all we've been getting is...cereal-flavored items.
Why would I want my syrup to taste like Fruity Pebbles? Look how red that is! Maybe it's my age showing and I'm becoming my mother, but I just think cereal-flavored items are so unnecessary. I'm on my knees praying these get left in 2024.
And bringing back the Oreo conversation, why does the US come up with the most abominable flavors? I once saw a pack of Sour Patch-flavored Oreos. Sour Patches!
Those are a crime against nature!
Hit 'reply' and tell me which food trend you hope fades into oblivion.
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