Dear Crypto Investor,

This has been one of the happiest weeks of my life.

I am proud to announce that I am officially a new dad!

Meet the newest member of the Paul family:
I truly couldn't be more happy and proud of how my wife did in the labor room. It was one of the most intense and beautiful experiences I've ever witnessed.

Welcoming a brand-new crypto crusader into the world is truly special 🙂

And I believe the crypto we've stored away for him will set him up for life.

That's the power of crypto.

And because you are part of the Crypto 101 community, and to me my community is like family, I wanted to make sure to share this great news with you right away.


Bryce Paul
Crypto 101

P.S. I plan to continue writing to you and serving you on a daily basis through this transition period of being a new dad, I just ask that you be understanding that I may just have more limited capacity and a more haphazard schedule in certain respects for the first few weeks. 

P.P.S. Got any parenting tips? I'm all ears, as I want to be the best dad! Hit reply and share any suggestions!
