With prices down before the halving, should you be worried?

Historically speaking, no.

That's because dips are actually super common before halvings... and... have led to massive gains in past Bitcoin halving bull runs!

Which is why we believe these prices are a massive opportunity!

To help you make the most of it, our top trader Brendan Viehman is going live tomorrow at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern with a free live "over-the-shoulder" trading session!

He's going to reveal some of the hottest new opportunities we've found in the market...

Analyze some top altcoin picks...

Share where Bitcoin and Ethereum could be heading next...

And even analyze some of the top crypto picks from our community! 

Tomorrow's broadcast is free provided you register right now:

Register for Brendan Veihman's live "over-the-shoulder" crypto trading session tomorrow!

We believe there are big opportunities hidden in the low crypto prices right now...

Join Brendan live tomorrow at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern and he'll show you how he's finding and trading them right now, step-by-step.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

If you're not interested in this week's critical live trading session, use the link below and I will stop sending you information about it.


You'll still remain on our list to keep receiving other complimentary crypto information and resources. 

Yes, stop sending me trading session updates this week (However, keep me on your list)...