Very good news from Bank of America this week.

They just made a statement that thanks to The Merge, big institutions that were previously barred from investing in Ethereum can now invest.

That's because pre-Merge, Ethereum was Proof of Work...

Meaning, it required the same amount of energy to run as the entire country of Finland! 

As a result, many of the top financial institutions were actually banned from investing in the #2 crypto, for fear of pushing its energy usage even further.

Thanks to The Merge, Etheruem's energy consumption is down over 99%... 

And big institutions now have the green light to invest.

Now, we have a major Federal Reserve meeting on Wednesday. And I'm not expecting a bull run overnight.

But the crypto market is absolutely pregnant with potential.

Especially Etheruem and the altcoins related to it.

The next time we get good news for the economy — and it could happen at any time — the crypto market is primed for blastoff. 

That's why this Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific, I'm going live to show you exactly whether you should be loading up on Bitcoin, Ethereum, or altcoins while prices are low.

I'll give you some solid predictions for where crypto is likely to go next...

And reveal a new way to find altcoins likely to see big gains when the market does recover.

Altcoins are "on sale" right now, and there has never been a better time to add them to your portfolio. 

Thursday's event is free, but if you want to watch you must register now by clicking or tapping this button:

Yes, I Want to Discover Big Profit Opportunities in Today's Crypto Market on Thursday

I've seen a lot of pessimism lately, and I get it.

But something to always keep in mind...

When everyone thinks the market is going to go one way, it often goes the exact opposite.

So keep it positive and let's use best investing practices together right now to prepare for big future gains.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

If you're not interested in this week's critical webinar, use the link below and I will stop sending you information about it.


You'll still remain on our list to keep receiving other complimentary crypto information and resources. 

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