Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Why NOT To Sit On The Sidelines For The Next 49 Days

Cyber Trading University

Hi Friend,

One Wins, The Other Loses.

A lot of folks are running for the hills right now…

And with the economy in the dumpster…

We can't really blame them.

However… Jeff Zananiri fully believes that if you sit on the sidelines over the next 49 days…

You could miss out on something really, really big!


A $1.5T event is coming in September…


If you think his plan is about shorting the S&P…

Think again.

It's NOT about rushing into gold, commodities, bonds or crypto either…

It's all about a mathematical correlation between two stocks:

Where one stock wins, the other loses.

Now, in "normal" times…

It's a solid way to trade effectively.


But as you'll see…

It's in uncertain times like these…

That makes it a DYNAMITE way to trade!


All the best,
CTU Team

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Cyber Trading University
6800 Jericho Turnpike
Suite 116W
Syosset, New York 11791
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(877) 702-9237

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