Wednesday, February 16, 2022

87% of Americans Are Missing This Trillion-Dollar Market

Cisco and Intel are Budgeting Billions on This Opportunity

and We're Sounding the Alarm

You've probably heard this: all of billionaire Elon Musk's Tesla electric cars come equipped with software to execute full self-driving.

Yes, Musk is a genuine genius and I'm a huge believer in where Tesla is steering the entire auto industry.

But I have never seen so many people get so excited about a single peach while ignoring the entire orchard.

All of the talking heads in the media go on and on about Tesla, but they're not telling you the really BIG story behind it all. It's the giant prize that Tesla and hundreds of other companies are chasing.

And, no… it's not self-driving cars.


We think self-driving cars could be almost insignificant compared to this new technology.


Consider that the global self-driving market is supposed to reach $42 billion by 2025, according to Boston Consulting Group.

But the tech I'm talking aboutMcKinsey and Co. believes it will be a $19.9 trillion market.

That's 452 times bigger than self-driving cars!

And as huge as that number is, consulting firm Accenture says 87% of consumers don't even understand what this technology is.

And we believe that presents a huge opportunity for us individual investors. 

The masses may soon be catching on as this tech gets more and more popular. And I suspect when they do, they'll be focusing on obvious names… like Cisco and Intel… as they look for their share of the pie.

But we at The Motley Fool have put together a guide about one company harnessing this transformational power, and it's a company we've strongly recommended to investors for a long time.

Think about how many amazing technologies you've watched soar to new heights while you kick yourself thinking, "I knew about that before everyone was talking about it, but I just sat on my hands."

Don't let that happen again. This time, it should be your family telling you, "I can't believe you knew about and invested in that technology so early on."

That's why I hope investors take just a few minutes to access the exclusive research our team of analysts has put together on this tantalizing tech, and hear more about how to get the names of a handful of stocks our team believes are positioned to capitalize on this major shift.

See the Report on this New Technology
Rex Moore has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of Accenture and Tesla. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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