Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Designing a path to get what you want

Hello Amazing!

Have you ever felt that you are doing many different things and that it's hard to see how it all connects? Even if you have only one job, the different functions within that job can seem so disparate.

Lately I've been helping a lot of clients make career changes. Writing a stellar job application for that dream job. Preparing for the first conversation after getting headhunted. Telling your own story in a way that allows you to switch your career. Positioning yourself for the next CEO job (because those are never on the job boards).

For another client I've been creating networking meetings for their members. For example I've been helping them build a digital community for young professionals who are early in their career and who have been hit hard by the isolation of lockdowns.

What do they have in common? For me they are both about using design to create conditions for the outcome we want. Not design in a narrow sense of a specific design craft, but the overarching principle of design: a semi structured way of using empathy and creativity to achieve an objective. Designing a lamp required empathy with the user who wants light. What does she want to do with the light? Then using creativity to give shape and form to an object that does so. In the same way, a designing a job application requires empathy with the people and the organization hiring, as well as a creative way to use the raw materials of a person's skills and experiences (the facts) to tell a story that leaves the reader confident that this person is a good fit and someone who also wants to do the job.

Thinking about design reminded me of an interview I did last year about using design to truly see the world. I've done many interviews but as I was listening to this again, it spoke to me in a new way. I'm almost agitated at one point, answering a question about privilige. I really think you will find it valuable too. You can listen to the episode on Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify or whatever other platform you prefer if you look for 'Desired'.

Regardless of your title or education, what are you currently designing and what are you trying to achieve with it?

Much love


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