Monday, October 7, 2024

I can’t believe I did this…

Actually, I can believe it… but I still feel pretty dumb…
OCTOBER 8, 2024

Hey y’all,

Wanted to share a “blooper” with you this morning to encourage you.

Have you ever done something so completely dumb in trading that you almost couldn’t believe it? 

A rookie mistake so unforgivable, you just wanted to hide your face from the world and never trade again? 😂

That was me on Monday.

As many of you know, I’ve been placing Nate Tucci’s “Automated Options” trade pretty much since he introduced it.

It helped me grow a small, $800 starting account to over $3k in the course of several months, so I’ve had a lot of success with it!

But over the last month or so, I keep getting distracted on Fridays, and missing the alert for one reason or another. So I haven’t been able to trade this setup for a bit.

So last Friday, when the trade triggered, I got the alert and was eager to get in…

And then, I stuck my foot in my mouth! 


So it all seemed normal, I set up my trade no problem.

But I didn’t read very carefully… 

The “Automated” part of Nate’s trade has you set up an instant “Good Till Canceled” (GTC) order so that, when the trade hits a certain price, you can sell it immediately, without looking (the brokerage will do it for you).

I’ve gotten pretty good at setting up those GTC orders myself since I’ve done this so many times, so I didn’t pay much attention and set it up after my trade filled.

But then, the GTC order filled automatically… Uh oh…

Unless QQQ had spiked 10% in 30 seconds, that shouldn’t have happened…

I’d made a mistake, I knew that much. And I just sold my $0.56 cent option for like $0.51 two seconds later.

Not the end of the world, but not exactly smart, either.

So as I was bemoaning my fate and trying to get into the new trade, I mentioned to Nate what had happened, and then we had this lovely discussion…

To be crystal clear: Nate did say everything in the alert. Clear as day. I was just too independent and sure of myself to actually read it.

What had happened was, most of these alerts are credit spreads, so you set a lower price for the GTC order. But in this case, it was a debit spread, which required me to set a higher price. I just didn’t pay any attention.

So when I set the GTC at a lower price, it closed automatically as a modest loss, and I ended up with egg on my face.

Rest assured, I am now in the correct trade with the correct order in place, and, if everything goes well over the next two weeks, this trade will close automatically as a 50% winner, more than making up for my little gaffe.

But I still felt pretty stupid…

There are a couple of clear lessons I’ll take away as a rookie trader trying to understand the markets better, though:

First, read the instructions… always…

It might seem obvious to some of you — congratulations! — but, yeah, if our experts send out trade instructions, it would behoove you to read them.

They know what they’re doing, and I clearly do not… so, yeah… 

Second, give yourself some grace…

If you’re anything like me, you’re gonna do some stupid things as a trader.

Risky trades you shouldn’t have taken, or just dumb mistakes that cost you a few bucks.

You have to let those things wash off right away, or they’ll weigh you down and lead to more mistakes.

There will always be losses in trading. Hopefully, you already know that. But the ones you cause yourself are going to sting more.

You have to get over those, and get back up and keep trading.

I did. And hopefully I’ll be able to check back in in the next couple weeks and tell you that my NEW automated options trade is a winner.

To your prosperity,

Stephen Ground
Editor-in-Chief, ProsperityPub


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