Saturday, July 13, 2024

Did you know about this...

This opportunity could've saved me years

Why are some investments better than others ?

Most investments are easy to judge by a straightforward calculation.

ROI (return on investment)

We want an easy way to determine what we get back when we put our money into this investment. 

We know there's always a chance that that investment doesn't hit its ROI target.

That's what we call risk. 

This balance of ROI to risk is how most people judge investment opportunities.

I want to introduce you to another way to view investments.

Let me give you an example before I tell you what it's called.

You go to the farmers market and pick out ten apples. 

You inspect each apple to ensure you get the best and take them home.

You are confident in the apples you pick but..

You can't see the future.

On the way home, your apples get bounced around in the back of the car, bruised, smashed, and cut.

You are left with three apples out of 10.

You're probably sad you lost a few apples, but in the end, those 3 apples left happened to be the best apples you ever ate.

Having three winning apples far outweighs the cost of losing 7.

This is a nerdy term called asymmetric bets.

It's the holy grail of investing.

In other words, the risk of taking a slight loss is worth the potential substantial gains.

We do this with businesses.

We pick 10, and 7 may fail, but the returns of the 3 are 10x -100x our investments, leaving us with substantial returns on our money.

If I knew about this strategy back when I started. 

I would've never bought a single house. 

I'd only buy businesses.

Sometimes, you get immediate cash flow and the potential for much larger returns.

On Tuesday, I am hosting a private invite investors-only meeting.

Request your invitation here.

And if you have assets sitting around that you want to 10x-100x, you'll definitely want to attend.

Will I see you there?

Click here to request your invite.

Kris Krohn



Please note that Kris's earnings are in no way average and that any examples provided should not be considered typical as your results will vary based on many factors. If you think you can get rich by simply clicking a button or allowing others to do all the work then we recommend you do not invest your money in any educational program or business tool as it will not be a good investment. We are here to support you and we hope that you make buying decisions because you are also dedicated to success. 

From time to time we send emails promoting other company's products or services and may earn commission for doing so. It is important to realize that while we only send products that we believe will help your business, we do not recommend investing in anything without doing your own due diligence. Like with anything in life, in order to succeed you will need to put forth effort and be persistent. And finally, any information provided is educational, and can not be taken as legal or financial advice.

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