Thursday, June 20, 2024

🌎 Insider Trades Newsletter for 6/20/2024

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June 20th, 2024 | Unsubscribe
Buy this small stock before coming AI Tidal Wave (ad)
image for Buy this small stock before coming AI Tidal Wave
The internet generated more wealth than any other innovation in history - creating hundreds of thousands of new millionaires in America alone.

Now A.I. could do the same. But if you're buying Microsoft or NVIDIA to profit - you're missing the big picture.

Get the name and ticker symbol for free - just click here.

Historic NVIDIA partnership could send this tiny AI stock soaring... (ad)
image for Historic NVIDIA partnership could send this tiny AI stock soaring...
After striking partnerships with trillion-dollar chipmaker NVIDIA...

ARM surged over 60% in a week... Who's next?

Click here to discover the name and ticker symbol >>>

Top Insider-Buying Stocks (Last 30 Days)
CompanyShares PurchasedTotal Cost of Shares PurchasedNumber of Insider PurchasesNumber of Insiders BuyingCurrent Share PriceMarketBeat Consensus RatingMarketBeat Consensus Price TargetRead More
LEG Leggett & Platt55,635$639,546.0066$11.93Reduce$13.33right arrow
NFBK Northfield Bancorp, Inc. (Staten Island, NY)38,061$295,761.0055$8.28Hold$11.00right arrow
BOC Boston Omaha81,622$1,150,008.0075$13.89Buy$23.50right arrow
CMTG Claros Mortgage Trust193,000$1,393,140.0075$8.13Reduce$9.50right arrow
FF FutureFuel95,302$429,149.0054$4.70Buy$0.80right arrow
BOW Bowhead Specialty100,839$1,804,361.0044$25.30Hold$29.20right arrow
CATX Perspective Therapeutics30,814$385,487.0074$10.80Buy$19.00right arrow
NEWT NewtekOne8,500$109,315.0044$12.49Hold$14.50right arrow
KPRX Kiora Pharmaceuticals9,791$48,764.0044$4.00Strong Buy$18.00right arrow
GHLD Guild12,248$197,438.0044$15.62Hold$15.60right arrow

Top Insider-Selling Stocks (Last 30 Days)
CompanyShares SoldTotal Cost of Shares SoldNumber of Insider SalesNumber of Insiders SellingCurrent Share PriceMarketBeat Consensus RatingMarketBeat Consensus Price TargetRead More
DDOG Datadog304,565$33,560,802.001411$115.83Moderate Buy$136.04right arrow
ALTR Altair Engineering145,347$13,889,768.0088$96.00Moderate Buy$94.60right arrow
PCOR Procore Technologies146,315$9,932,720.00138$63.50Moderate Buy$80.94right arrow
RDNT RadNet99,730$6,121,516.00108$57.71Moderate Buy$57.25right arrow
RUN Sunrun139,113$2,044,807.0097$12.59Moderate Buy$21.47right arrow
PI Impinj1,013,750$155,158,482.0087$145.25Moderate Buy$143.10right arrow
ANET Arista Networks48,182$15,327,482.0097$341.11Moderate Buy$298.17right arrow
FLEX Flex551,034$17,879,830.00167$30.52Moderate Buy$32.83right arrow
FIVN Five944,541$2,024,537.0066$40.24Moderate Buy$82.71right arrow
EVCM EverCommerce65,822$644,732.00166$9.85Moderate Buy$11.40right arrow

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