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How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Joel Wade, Special Contributor, The Oxford Club

Joel Wade

Have you ever felt that when you're striving toward a goal, it feels like something is holding you back?

It might be something you can't see or grasp clearly, but you feel it slowing you down - like you just can't get traction.

Most of us have experienced this to some extent.

Maybe it feels like we hit a wall with how much income we earn, or we find a pattern in our relationships that limits our sense of closeness, or we feel there's some obstacle in our work that we can't seem to overcome.

It can feel like there is a threshold that we can't seem to cross, no matter how hard we try. We struggle to improve, but it's as though something is working against us - like a gravitational pull that keeps drawing us back within a certain range.

Oftentimes this is the effect of a rotten belief.

As children, we absorb an incredible amount of information and understanding from our environment - parents, teachers, the culture of our neighborhood, our town and the events of the world. This includes certain beliefs.

Unlike the beliefs we consciously explore, evaluate and adopt as adults, we often don't question these earlier beliefs as children.

So they remain active unless we can bring them into our adult consciousness and reevaluate them. As adults, not only are they often out of our conscious awareness, but on some level they're part of who we are.

Hopefully, many of the beliefs we absorb are good and useful, helping us to flourish and grow into a healthy and happy life. But it's also likely that we take in some beliefs that limit us, keeping us from excelling in certain ways.

Let's get more specific...

Go Here to Read the Full Article
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Joel F. Wade, Ph.D., is the author of The Virtue of Happiness and Mastering Happiness, plus his new courses, Mastering Emotions, Moods and Reactions and A Master's Course in Happiness. He is also the host of The Mastering Happiness Podcast. He is a marriage and family therapist and life coach who works with people around the world via phone and video. You can get a FREE Learning Optimism e-course if you sign up at his website,

His new course Mastering Emotions, Moods and Reactions can help you with this part of your life in much greater detail, with deep understanding and practical skills for mastering these systems and living well. And now you can purchase the workbook for this course separately for $29.95 plus shipping.

You can still get the online course with the downloadable workbook at a deep discount, for $99, if you use this code: LB99.


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