Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Biggest fund founder: Major U.S. dollar warning

Have you heard of Ray Dalio? He founded Bridgewater and Associates, which became the biggest and best-performing hedge fund in America.

Dear Reader,

Have you heard of Ray Dalio?

He founded Bridgewater and Associates, which became the biggest and best-performing hedge fund in America.

And although Dalio has stepped aside as the fund's CEO, he's still very interested in its performance and the financial world.

So it's not surprising Dalio went public on CNBC not long ago when he had something important to say... by issuing a huge warning about the U.S. dollar.

Dalio told CNBC: "We are printing too much... We are in a world where money as we know it is in jeopardy."

Dalio said we're likely to see new and alternative forms of money emerge... but he told CNBC he "doesn't think bitcoin is it."

Our founder and multi-millionaire investment analyst Porter Stansberry agrees with Dalio that the U.S. dollar is in huge trouble... AND that new forms of money are emerging.

In fact, Stansberry also went public recently to explain what he describes as: "A new form of money in America, that's making some people wildly rich."

What is this new type of money, how does it work, and should you get it?

Stansberry says 19 of the 25 richest Americans are using it, and it's by far the best way to protect and grow your wealth in the years to come. 

Stansberry explains everything you need to know in his brand-new expose...

You can access it for free on our website here.

Good investing,

Mike Palmer
Founding Partner, Stansberry Research


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