There's a lot of buzz surrounding Dogecoin, despite its relatively modest performance so far in 2023.

What's the reason for all the excitement about this meme-inspired cryptocurrency?

Well, because of a "Boilenger bandwidth" indicator on Dogecoin's chart. This suggests an upcoming volatile move.

Now, what most investors don't know is that Dogecoin isn't the only altcoin showing signals.

And in our expert opinion, there are better altcoins on the market — with more favorable charts — that Doge at this moment.

Which is why on Thursday at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern, our expert trader Brendan Viehman is going live to analyze each of these opportunities in detail.

He's also going to breakdown Bitcoin and Ethereum's charts, and predict where they could go next...

And analyze top cryptos from our community.

Thursday's trading session is free but you must register to watch by going here now:

Register for Thursday's live crypto trading session with expert Brendan Viehman -- Discover brand-new opportunities for the crypto market right now! (link expires soon)

Ton going on in the crypto market right now.

Make sure to join Brendan on Thursday as he breaks it down and shares the hottest opportunities for the market right now.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


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