Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Could America’s financial history repeat itself?


Editor's Note: Occasionally, an opportunity comes to our attention that we believe readers like you will find valuable. The message below from one of our partners is one we believe you should take a close look at.


Dear Reader,

What if the next crisis is nothing like the last?

But something far more unusual?

In the past, she believed an epic crash would crush investors who held on too long…

But now, she’s discovered new information that has changed her views completely.

She says: “Our fragmented society is at a crossroads… many will be left behind, but a lucky few will become richer than they’ve ever imagined possible.”

And now, she’s coming forward with a stunning new prediction.

Nomi Prins

Dr. Nomi Prins is a best-selling author, Ph.D. economist, investigative journalist, and former global investment banker.

She has reached the upper echelons of the financial world as managing director at Goldman Sachs and running the international analytics group as a senior managing director at Bear Stearns in London.

She was a strategist at Lehman Brothers and an analyst at the Chase Manhattan Bank.

Now she’s speaking out about the next economic crisis…

But not the kind of crisis most people expect.

Watch her latest video here.


Maria Bonaventura
Senior Managing Editor, Rogue Economics

P.S. Dr. Prins has a unique understanding of this strange event that could mean the difference between a long, relaxing retirement… or years of frustration… and regret. Get the full story here.






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