Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Urgent Alert for the EV Market! | 4 January


Web Version

Market Secrets Diary

Here is an interesting offer from our partners:

If you believe that EVs are the future... you need to read this.

Today one of America's most iconic tech investors...

A man who found a dozen 10,000% winners...

Is stepping forward with an urgent warning about the EV market.

And it's a message you can't afford to miss.

I'd like to introduce you to Louis Navellier.

Now, Louis built his reputation in the 1990s, when he helped folks find breakout technology companies... while they were trading for pennies.

That included Apple at $1.49....

Oracle at .51 cents...

And Microsoft at .38 cents.

Calls like those won Louis praise from many major media outlets... including The Wall Street Journal.

But now Louis is stepping forward with a warning about the EV market.

A warning so important, he isn't waiting for any of the big media networks.

You see, a new kind of super- battery  is about to hit the market.

One so powerful that it could allow you to travel up to 1,000 miles on a single charge.

And charge your car in as little as 2 minutes.

Today, this new kind of super- battery is positioned to reshape the electric vehicle market, and could drive companies still relying on the lithium-ion battery out of business.

Louis has even found a company working with this tech...

A company that is backed by Bill Gates and Volkswagen....

But is trading for less than $30.

Just click here to learn more today.

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