Saturday, June 25, 2022

Three Dividend Stocks to Buy and Hold



Wealthy Retirement

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Three Perpetual Dividend Raisers for 2022

Kyle Wehrle, Assistant Managing Editor, The Oxford Club

State of the Market video on YouTube

In this week's State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld reveals three Perpetual Dividend Raisers to buy and hold over the long term to collect income and generate wealth - regardless of whether the market falls or rises.

As a reminder, Perpetual Dividend Raisers are companies with track records of raising their dividends every year. And they're resilient during bear markets.

Marc's first Perpetual Dividend Raiser is a 4.5%-yielding pharmaceutical behemoth with 18% annual dividend growth. That's more than twice the rate of current inflation.

And behind that insane annual growth number is a roster of blockbuster drugs.

The second Perpetual Dividend Raiser happens to be Marc's favorite pipeline company.


First it was Nixon... Now it's Biden?

Prepare for September 21, 2022. That's the day that could live in financial infamy... the day the president could give the market the worst shock since Nixon's infamous "Gold Shock."

If you own gold... or stocks... or even have cash in the bank... pay attention.

There are a few simple steps to implement right now.

To learn where to move your money, go here.

This 8.1% yielder has grown its dividend for over two decades (starting way back in time when Marc had just begun his investing career).

And finally, Marc's third pick is a 4.2%-yielding, tax-advantaged renewable energy company with an impressive track record for growth.

Like with Marc's first stock pick, this one's future annual dividend growth is expected to outpace inflation in the coming years.

All in all, Perpetual Dividend Raisers are the perfect way to invest in your kids' education, a mortgage or other important life milestones.

So what are you waiting for?

Join Marc to reveal his three stocks in this week's State of the Market.

Good investing,


Watch This Week's Episode


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